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Thread: Almost NOOB, getting ready to order a 200DX

  1. Default Almost NOOB, getting ready to order a 200DX

    Well, I'll be moving and of April, and finally have a shop again.
    I'm looking into making custom bike frames, I have some plans for a kiln (heat treating) and think I have a way to hydroform aluminum.
    Wish I could afford the 250EX, but realistically it'll probably be the 200DX, though I do plan to get a wp-20 style torch and build a water chiller.
    I've got the rad from an old (50's probably) 2 cylinder peter engine, it's about 18"x18"x3" and should dissipate enough heat even without a fan (though I'll probably add a slow one).

  2. #2


    You will love the Powertig 200DX ... GR8 machine!
    Powertig 200DX
    Lincoln 180c
    Hobart Handler 125
    Miller Thunderbolt
    and a bunch of other tools

  3. #3


    I'll second Winky on that one. The Everlast 200DX is a really nice welder. Nice feature set and stable, reliable arc.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    North By God Carolina


    The 200DX is a great machine. I'm a fan of small torches so for most of my stuff it's an air cooled WP-9 (.120 wall DOM (Chopper frames)
    and the lightest whip I can find. Always hated big bulky torches.
    No Crack Too Tight, No Gap Too Wide. If You Don't Like The Way I Do It, I'll Let You Try It!

  5. Default

    Well, my name is down for when they come in stock.
    Going to use the stock torch for now, had to tighten my budget.

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