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  1. #1
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    Default CNC Recommendation/Help

    Trying to get some information or recommendations on a complete CNC setup minus laptop and possibly a torch.
    Would my Super Cut 50p work with it?
    We are looking to keep the cost below 5K.

  2. #2


    I am also looking and so far, find the Torchmate 2x2 system as the best fit for my needs (fabircation of smaller parts). System is expandable in 2x2 modules, so you can upgrade to 2x4, 4x4, and ultimately 4x8, as needs and funds develop.

    I think 50amp plasma is too weak for all but sheetmetal use. First, is the duty cycle issue, then is the fact that the torch spacing is a little more than hand held, and you are cutting on water bath. That affects the efficiency of the cut. You definitely need Pilot Arc, and I would go for at least a 60amp or better an 80 amp unit. It may run fine at 50amps, but the duty cycle will be better as the 80 amp unit is running way below top capacity.

    the 2x torchmate comes as a set with water table for under 5K, and you can build your own table saving the money needed for the plasma.
    Everlast PowerPro 256 (2013)
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    Lotos LT5000D Plasma
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  3. #3
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    Right now I have no problem cutting 1/8"-1/4" HRS using the super cut, and it does have the pilot arc.
    Actually I've cut out 2 brackets out of 1/2" plate for a farm implement.
    4X4 is definitely what I'd be looking for.

  4. #4


    Super Cut 50 is a high frequency cutter, some have been able to work around it, but it will require some work. Duty cycle will also be an issue as well. Go Torch is a 2x2 unit that is made or has something to do with plasma cam. Plasma Cam has a THC that they claim will work with any plasma cutter.
    Lincoln Eagle Engine Drive
    Everlast MTS 250
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    Everlast Power Plasma 60C --> Just need to finish my CNC Plasma Table!
    Miller Spectrum 375 Extreme Plasma cutter
    Victor cutting torch
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  5. #5


    Lets keep the OLD fart stuff far away I just turned 70 and I still enjoy building these things.
    I have cut 1/4" steel with 40 amps from my Everlast PM 256 tig/plasma (60 amp max output) no problems. With a handheld torch adapted to my table. Many guys use handheld torches look on youtube. You are right about the duty cycle but that is only if you are cutting big parts or many at the same time. I just finished my second table build and have used both handheld and machine torches there does not seem to be a big difference, the machine torch is easier to mount and keep straight.

    Everlast PM256
    Millermatic 180
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    Longevity Force Cut 80I
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  6. #6
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    And THC is?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by In Utopia View Post
    And THC is?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
    Torch Height Control

    Sent from Hell using Bolgia 9 sword
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Paulie View Post
    I am also looking and so far, find the Torchmate 2x2 system as the best fit for my needs (fabircation of smaller parts). System is expandable in 2x2 modules, so you can upgrade to 2x4, 4x4, and ultimately 4x8, as needs and funds develop.

    I think 50amp plasma is too weak for all but sheetmetal use. First, is the duty cycle issue, then is the fact that the torch spacing is a little more than hand held, and you are cutting on water bath. That affects the efficiency of the cut. You definitely need Pilot Arc, and I would go for at least a 60amp or better an 80 amp unit. It may run fine at 50amps, but the duty cycle will be better as the 80 amp unit is running way below top capacity.

    the 2x torchmate comes as a set with water table for under 5K, and you can build your own table saving the money needed for the plasma.
    Actually, it's my son who will be buying the unit, and I will be the one using it for him. I think he's going to be getting a Gotorch 2 x 2.
    The software is supposed to be a lot more user-friendly than the torch mate.
    Right now the price on one is $2995

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    Last edited by In Utopia; 04-12-2013 at 10:29 AM.

  9. #9
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    Well, he pulled the trigger.
    Ordered a Gotorch's made by Plasmacam
    Got one heck of deal on a new model Powerplasma 70s by Everlast with an upgrade to a Trafimet S75 torch.

    Thanks for the input guys.

  10. #10
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    Default Cables

    OK, son just ordered his new for me.
    He neglected to ask what type interface cabling we'll need, and it's the weekend, so he can't call anyone.
    Since I'm in the boondocks and he's not, it would be better for him to buy anything needed to make the hookup from the computer to the torch and computer.
    Any info anyone can furnish will be appreciated.

  11. #11


    Transfer of code should be easy, do a copy and paste to a jump (thumb) drive via USB and bring it to the other machine do another copy and paste there. Code can be recognized in two forms .TAP files and Notepad files. I don’t know what software you are using to control the table but if its Mach 3 when you edit code in Mach 3 it displays it in Notepad and you can change things there and save and exit and it goes back to Mach 3 changed.

    Have fun

    Everlast PM256
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by acourtjester View Post
    Transfer of code should be easy, do a copy and paste to a jump (thumb) drive via USB and bring it to the other machine do another copy and paste there. Code can be recognized in two forms .TAP files and Notepad files. I don’t know what software you are using to control the table but if its Mach 3 when you edit code in Mach 3 it displays it in Notepad and you can change things there and save and exit and it goes back to Mach 3 changed.

    Have fun
    I think he is talking about the software key to install his software, but he could also sneakernet that with a USB drive as well. PlasmaCAM has their own control program, and since GoTorch is made by them, I would guess they use the same.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rambozo View Post
    I think he is talking about the software key to install his software, but he could also sneakernet that with a USB drive as well. PlasmaCAM has their own control program, and since GoTorch is made by them, I would guess they use the same.
    Ok, now that I'm 300 miles from the machine, maybe this will come out right.
    I was talking about the software key to finish installing the Plasma Cam software. Plasma Cam technical will not help you even though it's their software package.
    Got to the point where it put the icon on the desktop. Clicked on it, got their long code from it.
    Went to the internet computer and entered the code.
    Copied the response and put into to the required area after checking single user, and just software. That didn't work tried several other choices on machine type, but never could get it to acknowledge what I had entered.
    Also, it said I needed a connection between the controller and the computer. Already had that buy using the serial to SCSI (think that's right) cable I got from my neighbor. In any event it was the proper cable.
    The computer that was used seemed OK, but then again I'm not a PC guru.
    Now that I'm back at home base I'm going to use another dedicated PC I have, have my IT guy set it up for wi-fi, wipe everything that may be on the HD, make sure the serial port is in order, then install the software on it using the internet connection to get the right code. I'm hoping this will work since this is single user software and I did try to install it on one PC already. This will happen this weekend when my IT guy has a couple of days off.
    Now if you think that's confusing, you should see what it all looks like through my eyes.
    I've had to many irons in the fire the last two weeks, and now that I've put out some of the small brush fires I can better concentrate on these problems.

    Won't be back there until about May 9, I'll give an update then.
    Last edited by In Utopia; 04-25-2013 at 08:37 PM.

  14. #14
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    It's not SCSI, that's for sure. PlasmaCam runs on a parallel port. Trying to unlock software on a machine that has no internet access, is never easy. Those keys are meant to be cut and pasted, not written down and typed. Different fonts can even make it unclear what is what, l 1 O 0. One way is to use a USB key to move the code and response, another is to move the computer to where you can give it internet access. Every software package is different, but often you can install the software without the CNC connected. You can't run it, as it will give you an error, but you can do the install, then move the computer back to the garage and plug in the CNC to go to the next step. It's a pain, and I think you will be happier to have an expert do it for you. Also I would do whatever you need to to give that machine internet access anyway. There are so many times you will want to grab some code or a design or clipart to use and having to sneaker net it gets old in a real hurry. If possible go with a wired connection as wireless and plasma do not mix well. Just run some CAT-5 cable from where you have internet to where your plasma is setup.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  15. #15


    I do not have a Gotorch but many of the things you ask about are generic so I will try to help.
    To hook the torch to the computer you will need a connection from the plasma unit (CNC output jack common on most). This will be a 2 wire cable to turn on/off the torch using the output of the computer. This will connect to the computer via an output port you will need to find out what the pins are on your controller. This info should be supplied by the Manufacture of both units. I use Mach 3 and the output for the torch is output 1 and that needs to be setup in the software so when a command in the G-code says turn on the torch it know where to sent the signal so it goes to the plasma unit.
    Have fun

    Everlast PM256
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  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by acourtjester View Post
    I do not have a Gotorch but many of the things you ask about are generic so I will try to help.
    To hook the torch to the computer you will need a connection from the plasma unit (CNC output jack common on most). This will be a 2 wire cable to turn on/off the torch using the output of the computer. This will connect to the computer via an output port you will need to find out what the pins are on your controller. This info should be supplied by the Manufacture of both units. I use Mach 3 and the output for the torch is output 1 and that needs to be setup in the software so when a command in the G-code says turn on the torch it know where to sent the signal so it goes to the plasma unit.

    Have fun
    OK, the controller is a Plasmacam. I understand the USB port on the computer. I think I remember someone mentioning that this cable was the same as a serial printer cable.
    The plasma cutter is an Everlast with a USB port on it. Can I assume this is just a USB to USB cable?
    Last edited by In Utopia; 04-13-2013 at 03:21 PM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by In Utopia View Post
    The plasma cutter is an Everlast with a USB port on it.
    Has it been modified? As far as I know, Everlast plasma units come with a CNC port not a USB. Plasmacam has used a 25 pin cable (like old serial printer) but they might very well have switched to USB by now. Unless you bought a complete package, you may have to do some wiring to make all the right connections. It is typically not a plug and play solution unless you get everything from one source, and sometimes not even then.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rambozo View Post
    Has it been modified? As far as I know, Everlast plasma units come with a CNC port not a USB. Plasmacam has used a 25 pin cable (like old serial printer) but they might very well have switched to USB by now. Unless you bought a complete package, you may have to do some wiring to make all the right connections. It is typically not a plug and play solution unless you get everything from one source, and sometimes not even then.
    All I was really trying to do was get some info this weekend since all tech supports are closed.
    Don't have either piece of equipment yet, hence no manuals.
    Gotorch website has no info or phone number, but since it's made by Plasmacam I looked at the video and my guess was an old style printer/scanner cable, the wire coming out of the controller was hard wired and I'm guessing is USB on the other end..
    Long story short (well almost) is I'll wait till Monday, call Everlast, then call Plasmacam to see what all comes with their package. Heck it might be plug and play.
    If not it's a 112 mile round trip to the nearest place to get cables (Radio Shack)............the price you pay for country living.

    Again, thanks for all the input. I'll put it all on hold until Monday, in the mean time I'll get started on a roll around table for it.
    Last edited by In Utopia; 04-13-2013 at 11:40 PM.

  19. #19
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    If you bought the Plasma from Everlast, you can get the manual online. In fact you need to as the manual that ships with the unit is not as good as the online version. It will come with a blank CNC plug that you can wire up yourself. If you bought the plasma from Gotorch, they might have done this for you. Typically you will need to connect a few things with screw terminal blocks and wire. This is not advanced to the point of plug and play, for most setups. Gotorch doesn't do phone support anyway. You will have to use community support or figure it out on your own. It's a price point thing, and they are pretty upfront about it. They even direct you to buy direct from PlasmaCAM if you want that kind of service. If you don't mind tinkering around and learning how this works, you should be fine. If you just want to start making parts, you probably bought the wrong unit. The cables from the computer to the controller box should be included, but you might need a different length depending on your setup. The CNC port on the plasma to the controller you will probably have to wire yourself. Everlast includes one plug and Gotorch should include the other or they use screw terminals. CAT-5 wire is usually fine to interconnect shielded is better. Since you are in the sticks, I would guess you have a pretty well stocked workshop, if not, you will when this is over. BTW these days getting specialty parts is as close as your computer and mailbox, way easier than in the past, but you do need a little patience. In fact it has wiped out many local sources. RadioShack will not be of much use to you for this kind of project. Digikey and Mouser to the rescue.

    Gotorch says they still use a parallel port for control. So be sure your computer has one as they are getting rare.
    Last edited by Rambozo; 04-13-2013 at 11:58 PM.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  20. #20


    Well you can check the manuals for both to find out if that is what you need to hook up the system. Mine used a parallel printer from th ecomputer to the CNC controller and the output from the controller to the plasma was a 2 conductor to the CNC port on the back of the plasma.

    Everlast PM256
    Millermatic 180
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