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Thread: Sign for the Forward Township Athletic Association

  1. #1

    Default Sign for the Forward Township Athletic Association

    At the fire department where I'm the assistant chief has a baseball field. It hasnt been used in a few years and became a little run down. I think the township didn't have enough teams to use the field. This is the same field where I played baseball when I was little. Had a lot of good memories there. Well anyways, they ended up needing the field this year, so some guys from our fire department assisted the athletic association and their volunteers and put in some time and helped them fix it up. New paint, new infield dirt, some stone and a little elbow grease went a long way. I have a wood CNC and made up some signs to stick around the outfield fence who donated some cash to buy supplies.

    I had some extra steel laying around from past jobs so I thought I would wip something together for a new sign for the baseball field. Here are some pictures.

    I used a W4x13 for the vertical post with 2"x2"x1/8" around the top for a seat for sign. The sign itself is made from 3/16" steel. It was cut on a CNC burn table using the PP50 and welded together with the I-Mig200.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    ***Pittsburgh Cutting and Fabrication LLC***
    ~CNC Plasma Cutting, Design work and Small Fabrication~
    --Beam Work - Custom Handrails - Welding--
    Phone: 412.206.1322

    ~PowerPlasma 50
    ~I-Mig 200
    ~52"x96" CNC Plasma Cutting Table w/ THC
    ...and some other stuff

  2. #2


    Cool sign! It's always nice to see a community get together. don't forget to take a picture for us when the sign is put up!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    I like the idea that you're making improvements to the field you played on as a kid.

    Hey, maybe the teams could use magnets to post batting order or stuff like that on the other side.
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  4. #4


    Whoops... I just realized I posted this under the wrong topic. (A welded IS required) Any mods in the mood to move me under the correct topic?
    ***Pittsburgh Cutting and Fabrication LLC***
    ~CNC Plasma Cutting, Design work and Small Fabrication~
    --Beam Work - Custom Handrails - Welding--
    Phone: 412.206.1322

    ~PowerPlasma 50
    ~I-Mig 200
    ~52"x96" CNC Plasma Cutting Table w/ THC
    ...and some other stuff

  5. #5


    A little more paint added yesterday. I sprinkled some sand over the green & dirts colored paint to give some texture.

    Next step is the install at the baseball field, some touchup paint and it will be ready for the grand re-opening.

    Click image for larger version. 

Views:	523 
Size:	144.9 KB 
ID:	9929
    ***Pittsburgh Cutting and Fabrication LLC***
    ~CNC Plasma Cutting, Design work and Small Fabrication~
    --Beam Work - Custom Handrails - Welding--
    Phone: 412.206.1322

    ~PowerPlasma 50
    ~I-Mig 200
    ~52"x96" CNC Plasma Cutting Table w/ THC
    ...and some other stuff

  6. #6


    Cleaned up really nicely. It will look great installed at the field.

  7. #7


    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMAG0599.jpg 
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ID:	9939

    I had an extra brass plate laying around so I engraved it and bolted it on. Just a little something extra. NOW it's complete... I think.
    ***Pittsburgh Cutting and Fabrication LLC***
    ~CNC Plasma Cutting, Design work and Small Fabrication~
    --Beam Work - Custom Handrails - Welding--
    Phone: 412.206.1322

    ~PowerPlasma 50
    ~I-Mig 200
    ~52"x96" CNC Plasma Cutting Table w/ THC
    ...and some other stuff

  8. #8


    Finished it off by adding a little stone, and now it's complete!

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Finished Sign.jpg 
Views:	529 
Size:	150.1 KB 
ID:	9982
    ***Pittsburgh Cutting and Fabrication LLC***
    ~CNC Plasma Cutting, Design work and Small Fabrication~
    --Beam Work - Custom Handrails - Welding--
    Phone: 412.206.1322

    ~PowerPlasma 50
    ~I-Mig 200
    ~52"x96" CNC Plasma Cutting Table w/ THC
    ...and some other stuff

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    Looks great! The engraving is very sharp, a nice touch. That brass plate is bolted on... I hate to think the worst of people, but are the bolts vandal-proofed? Threads permanently fouled, maybe?
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  10. #10


    The nuts are tacked on in the back just in case, and as a little something extra, the whole brass plate is glued on with epoxy.

    Not vandal proof... just vandal resistant.

    And there is 80 lbs of concrete holding it in. Overkill is under-rated.
    ***Pittsburgh Cutting and Fabrication LLC***
    ~CNC Plasma Cutting, Design work and Small Fabrication~
    --Beam Work - Custom Handrails - Welding--
    Phone: 412.206.1322

    ~PowerPlasma 50
    ~I-Mig 200
    ~52"x96" CNC Plasma Cutting Table w/ THC
    ...and some other stuff

  11. #11


    Good idea about the epoxy and nut tacking. I guess I'm a bit too naive about these things. I never even thought about that. Great project.

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