Dual Voltage: Are all 185's now dual Voltage by default?
Foot Pedal: Is the pedal still an option?
Foot Pedal: What resistance is the Pot in the pedal? 22K?
Foot Pedal: Is the operation of the pedal Max Ohm = Zero Output, 0 Ohm = Max output?
Foot Pedal: Is there an SSC pedal available for the 185
Torch: What torch is included with the 185?
Torch Connections: Are the Dinse connections of the torch and ground compatible with a older 200DX (2011, old style with the additional max output pot on the pedal)
Torch / Ground: What are the lengths or each?

Posted the questions in the "Pre-Sales" forum as well, but doesn;t seem to have any response traffic...
