Plasma in my future... near future now!
Thanks to a great chat I had with my boss Friday, during the course of which he offered me a promotion and nice fat raise, I'm moving up my timeline on some projects. Acquiring a plasma cutter was one of the 'sooner than later' items on my list and sooner just happened to run up and slap me in the face.
So, I was originally looking at a supercut 50P, but now thinking a PP50 or PP60. What's the deal with the 60S, it isn't in the list on the main site, looks a bit different than the other PP series.
So, what's the difference between a PP50, 60, 60S? Is each a hundred more than the last? Which torch do I really want?
Blowback vs HF? Not CNCing for a while yet, not till after the move (no room) and will likely pick up a machine for that when I do, so not worried about that aspect, but the 60S appears to be CNC friendly like the 60C but with a hand torch rather than machine torch.
Thoughts, advice? Trying to stay near a grand to my door (well, less, I have some contest discounts to apply)
Trip Bauer
Former USN HT
Everlast 200DX New Model
Hobart Handler 125 MIG
Van Norman #12
Atlas 12" engine lathe
'98 RoadKing - 84 Ironhead - 59 Ironhead