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Thread: Thinking about buying the I-tig 200 a few quick quesions please help

  1. Default Thinking about buying the I-tig 200 a few quick quesions please help

    So, I'm getting ready to "pull the trigger" I asked a few questions around the forum but I'm wanting to get a few more details.

    I am comparing the 160sth to the itig 200.

    I dont really need the 200 amps of the tig machine, as I am really using this machine to learn off of, and maybe put it to work one day, but learning is what my main goal is.

    The unit will be mainly used for Stick welding, pipe 4" schd 40 root to cap. the rods I use are 6010-7018 up to 1/8, I know the i-tig 200 cant run 6010 but I could do the 6010 stuff at school, or just grab a 6011. I'm wanting up my Tig abilities though, and thats why I'm not just getting a stick machine, which would make things MUCH easier for me to decide on.

    So quick question list:

    WP17 gun vs the WP26 which is better?
    Duty cycle (I don't usually go over 135 amp)
    I never used a torch control for tig, how is it and should I get a foot peddle?
    If I buy it on amazon is it the latest model?

    that 160sth is looking really good if only because I could get it and the peddle for the same price as the itig 200, and it can run 6010.... I think.

    So, once I get these things cleared up, I'll pull the trigger, and maybe put up a youtube video!! lol.

  2. #2


    From what you are saying, you may want to look at the PowerArc 200. You can run a scratch start tig rig with it quite easily.

    The other answers...
    17 offers less amps but carries the same consumables as the 26.
    I assume the duty cycle relates to the torches? The 26 has higher amp rating at 200, versus 150. This means the 26 has a better duty cycle at 150 amps than the 17.
    The torch control can be one of two things. 1) it can be an amp control with a switch, or 2) It can just be a switch which cycles preprogrammed settings like slope, start amps ec.
    The foot pedal isn't 100% necessary, but it is 100% helpful in most situations that work at a bench.
    Amazon typically has one or two shipping cycles worth of stock behind ours. Who knows?

    We don't advertise the 160STH to run 6010, though it might do a fair job according to Duncan (if I remember right). Again, the PA 200 and the 300 are the beasts when it comes to this.
    Hope this helps.

  3. Default

    Mark your awesome!

    Ok can the PowerArc200 run a foot peddle?

    LOL right now it's the itig 200 or the powerarc200 the itig is on sale! hehe... (I'm really wanting to master stainless and I think the pulse would be helpful) again though this is a "learning" unit.

  4. #4


    No, the PA doesn't have a foot pedal capability.

    You might want to consider both, as a package deal can be made if you call in.

    I'd also look at the Power itig 200 EXT. It's more and digital, but it likely can do 6010, though I haven't personally tested. Just remembered this unit as it is still new.

  5. Default

    you sly dog... I might just do that.. get both. I never thought it of it like that! However I HAVE to buy it on amazon since I am using my Amazon store credit card.

    I sent you a PM, feel free no to answer it, as you already did here!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    I'd also look at the Power itig 200 EXT. It's more and digital, but it likely can do 6010, though I haven't personally tested. Just remembered this unit as it is still new.
    Is that one now going to be an EXT instead of just a T? Will it be up on the website, soon? Or Amazon?

    Here is the link to the announcement. It has some really nice features, and more stick features than many other TIG machines. Such as adjustable power and time for hot start, in addition to the arc force control.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  7. #7


    Yes, I should have said it was a t....same thing...same concept, same basic design, minus the AC.

  8. Default

    crap! I forgot to ask if the itig 200 has hot start! I really want this unit for price and features, I just need the hot start over anything else!

  9. #9


    It's got a built in hot start, non adjustable. It does have arc force control.

  10. Default

    Mark, I dont mean to doubt you, but I'm a bit confused and I just want to make sure I get it 100% right. On the "upgraded" version

    Reading through the specs the Hot start feature says no, is this for this unit alone, or is it for iTig 200 as well...
    Also May I suggest or ask for some videos on this unit, as there is NOTHING on youtube! lol

    Also, I'm confused on some of the machines, some say IGBT and some say Infineon IGBT? whats the difference? If I buy a new unit from Amazon, is it still covered under the 5 years?
    Last edited by No1up; 05-01-2013 at 05:07 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    Mark's other post, from the URL you gave above, says the older unit has no Hot Start, but the newer unit called the 200T does have hot start:

    Model Power-ITIG 200 Power-ITIG 200T
    Hot Start arc amp (stick) No welding amps + 1-100%
    Hot start arc time No .1-1.5 Seconds

    Does that make it a contender for you?
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  12. Default

    Oh OK, I see. Well that takes this out of the race since I don't see the new T model on Amazon.... :-( The powerarc is looking like the only one thats realistically viable for me, I was really looking forward to a tig with pulse though.

    Thanks for clearing that up for me.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by No1up View Post
    Oh OK, I see. Well that takes this out of the race since I don't see the new T model on Amazon.... :-( The powerarc is looking like the only one thats realistically viable for me, I was really looking forward to a tig with pulse though.

    Thanks for clearing that up for me.
    Call Oleg. Everlast has an Amazon store, so Oleg might be able to make that work for you. He also said they were in stock, but it's possible they have sold out, since then.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  14. Default

    I spoke to someone on the phone, he had a very heavy accent so I couldn't understand his name, and I didn't want to be rude and continue to ask him lol... I think he said it was alex, but it could have been oleg. He said he had them in stock and he could put them on amazon. So I REALLY want that unit, I just need to find out if this unit with it's beefed up features can run a 6010 at 85 amps max... :-)

  15. #15
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    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by No1up View Post
    I spoke to someone on the phone, he had a very heavy accent so I couldn't understand his name, and I didn't want to be rude and continue to ask him lol... I think he said it was alex, but it could have been oleg. He said he had them in stock and he could put them on amazon. So I REALLY want that unit, I just need to find out if this unit with it's beefed up features can run a 6010 at 85 amps max... :-)
    I would check with Duncan (Titan winch) who runs Everlast Canada and has done most of the product testing for this model. He can probably tell you more about it, and how it does with 6010.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  16. Default

    I went with the longevity 250, I'm kinda bummed as I really wanted to get the iTig 200t but I simply can't afford it outside of amazon, I'll keep my eye on it and once it shows up, and I have the 250 paid off, it's on like donkey cong!

  17. #17


    Well, that certainly was a surprise. They've been having trouble with the arc force control dropping out on those units. Not trying to bad mouth them, but over on tbn, there are two customers that just sent them in for repairs.

    The PA 200 can keep up with it anyday, and the built the automatic arc force and hot start work very well. The PA 300 would have given you more power if you needed in a heavier dutier package, but anyway, hope you have good luck with your "other" brand purchase.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by DaveO View Post
    Mark's other post, from the URL you gave above, says the older unit has no Hot Start, but the newer unit called the 200T does have hot start:

    Model Power-ITIG 200 Power-ITIG 200T
    Hot Start arc amp (stick) No welding amps + 1-100%
    Hot start arc time No .1-1.5 Seconds

    Does that make it a contender for you?
    The I tig 200 does have hot start, but it is built in, and not adjustable.

  19. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    The I tig 200 does have hot start, but it is built in, and not adjustable.

    this is what i needed to know! lol I thought it didn't have any Hot start at all, and the new unit did! well I do have 30 days to return it I think I could still cancel it. Since I thought the itig 200 didnt have Hot start I decided to just get a mean stick welder and forget about my tig dreams lol kinda of. I went with the 250 for two things, adjustbale arc force and hot start, and if I really wanted to Tig, it at the very least had lift start. The PA 300 is more power than I need and about $100+ more cash, the PA 200 is actually pretty good and great price but for about $100 I could get adjustable controls, 50 more amps, and lift arc, I even got a tig torch ala cheap! lol Now that you told me the itig does have hot start, even though it's not adjustable I'm the pulse is a big bonus for me!! I dont know what to do, lol Ive been at this all day, it's driving me nuts!

    I would easily pull the trigger on the itig 200T with no hesitation if it were on amazon :-) I emailed you, maybe we can work something out? I can easily cancel the 250....

    The unit you bought does not have lift start the last I looked. If they told you it did, then they don't know what lift start is. It's simply scratch start, and you can do that with ANY DC stick welder...including the PA 200 or 300...and we can make a deal on the 300 as well.
    Last edited by performance; 05-02-2013 at 01:37 AM.

  20. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Well, that certainly was a surprise. They've been having trouble with the arc force control dropping out on those units. Not trying to bad mouth them, but over on tbn, there are two customers that just sent them in for repairs.

    The PA 200 can keep up with it anyday, and the built the automatic arc force and hot start work very well. The PA 300 would have given you more power if you needed in a heavier dutier package, but anyway, hope you have good luck with your "other" brand purchase.

    And this does kind of comes off condescending, but thats ok, I think taking small jabs at the competitor is absolutely to be expected! lol , trust me when I tell you, I REALLY wanted an everlast with tig, but if I couldn't get that then I believe the 250 was the best stick option I had price vs performance wise... the iTig 200t is the bad boy I REALLY want!

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