Originally Posted by
Titan winch
Just to clear a few points
The New Power arc 200st is lift tig / stick with dual voltage capability and auto hot start( factory set no adjustment ) it is not supplied with a tig torch as this is optional.running on 110v it has max output of 125 amps and is ideal for 6010 rod
The new Itig 200T has both arc force adjustment , hot start time adjustment and hot time amps percentage 9 memory Chanell and 2.9 amp DC low 200amp high .
I find with the I tig 200 T it needs a little more amps to run the 6010 but this is just me and I am by no means any type of expert on 6010 rods.
Thanks for the clarifications, Duncan. I'm glad to hear from your personal tests. It's nice to know that someone actually burned a rod or two, and didn't just parrot the spec sheet. I did notice that on the CA website for the 200T that 6010 is not recommended. Will that be removed? Also Oleg mentioned that dual voltage was scheduled to be an option on this model in the summer. Is that still on track for summer roll out? It's great that you give everyone the heads up on the new models and features. It would be nice if it didn't take so long to update the website. I usually find new stuff hitting the CA website before the COM.

Originally Posted by
I would like to change this statement to: Oleg, you FRAKIN ROCK!!!!!
So which one did you get? I see the 200T on Amazon now, so I think I know.
Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!