Does anyone out there know where I could find plans (or at least good pictures) for building a brush hog that I could pull behind an ATV?
Does anyone out there know where I could find plans (or at least good pictures) for building a brush hog that I could pull behind an ATV?
Here's some Google Images. Hope everything goes well during your build.
Pulling a brush hog behind an ATV can be extremely dangerous. I have worked with farm equipment for years and can tell you that a true brush hog can do a lot of damage when something is thrown. A tractor is fine because it is above the line of discharge.
You'll need an appropriate gearbox, should you decide to make one. Usually you can buy a 540 40 hp gearbox for a couple of hundred dollars, a stump jumper/blade carrier with blades for another 150.00 Sheet metal, and gauge wheels are all that is needed which will cost another 300.00 dollars or so.
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Rocks are a huge hazard. We've got a 5' PTO rotory mower, it picked up a rock and threw it about 70 feet to a covered wagon we've got.....went right through 1/8" sheet metal.