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Thread: Hello from Arizona & some questions

  1. Default Hello from Arizona & some questions

    Hello all,
    I've been lurking off and on for a few years now, and am finally ready to make the jump from Oxy/Acetylene to TIG.

    Currently looking very hard at the 250EX & wondering how to put the best package deal together for my intended use, which will be hobby level using both ferrous and non-ferrous metals from .020 - .190" (typically), and the occasional item at .25-.750" thick.

    I'm thinking the 250EX with a water-cooler and a small CK torch head, and perhaps also a Plasma cutter.

    The PP256 might be better suited to my needs, but I'm also thinking the 250EX, with it's better duty cycle would be more durable in the long run, and having each machine separate would allow me to continue (keeping the Ox set), if something needed to be sent in for repair.

    A future goal is to become competent enough in welding and fitment, to produce the occasional custom bicycle frame for myself, a few friends, and perhaps turn this into a limited income retirement hobby.

    Other uses will be more artistically oriented, with the occasional repair/fabrication job.

    Anyone have any thoughts on each machine based on my needs/uses description ?

  2. Default

    I see that the products page has a make offer on item.............

    Is there a forum member discount, or what's the best route ($$$) to use when making a purchase ?

  3. #3


    I went through the same decision process. I really liked the digital welders, but I needed a pilot arc plasma to replace my MOSFET cheapo, and the 255EXT was way out of my budget. When I bought the MOSFET unit (LOTOS), it was without enough knowloedge to realize the Pilot arc is needed to cust expanded metal. I'll keep it for sheet metal and Aluminum Plate, until I talk my friend into buying it from me.

    My typical work will take me up to 3/8 in Aluminum and Steel. Your .75" is pretty thick evenfor the 250 or 256, unless it is steel, you can do multipass welds with Stick, or TIG. The 256 has th same output as the 250, is a little quieter, and duty cycle at 200amps is 60%. Most of my welding is around 150amps and the TIG duty cycle there is 100%. The cost differential for getting the 60 amp Plasma was only a fraction of what a stand alone Plasma would be. Changeover is not that bad, as I have a 3 way ball valve to switch input from compressed air to Argon, and switching the torch takes about 15 seconds.

    Shipping damage applies to all machines, mine arrived in perfect condition. As for the torch, it came with a euro style water cooled, but since I will be using it mostly below 200amps, will wait on the Everlast water cooler, and just use a garden hose connection with the output to a sprinkler or the few times I need to push it (not an ideal long term solution, as the tap water has minerals, and will eventually corrode the internals, also the proper fluid for the coolers has Glycol and De-Ionized water, so it does not readily conduct electricity if there is a leak at the wrong point. - Guess I am talking myself into a cooler sooner, rather than later .

    I don't like standard Euro style torch, and strongly recommend the CK with the superflex cable.
    Everlast PowerPro 256 (2013)
    Northern Hybrid 200 & ST80i
    HF 90Amp FluxCore (Don't laugh, it is what got me started)
    Lotos LT5000D Plasma
    HF 4x6 Horizontal Bandsaw
    Rikon 18" Bandsaw w/VFD
    Delta 14" Drill Press
    Robland NLX31 Euro Combo WW

  4. #4


    My vote is for the 2013 models 250EX, PowerPlasma 50 or 60, a PowerCool W300 and a CK FL230 (FL2325SF) with Safe-Loc connector (SLWHAT-35). All can be purchased through Everlast. CK torches are rated at 100% duty cycle both AC and DC.
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by zoama585 View Post
    My vote is for the 2013 models 250EX, PowerPlasma 50 or 60, a PowerCool W300 and a CK FL230 (FL2325SF) with Safe-Loc connector (SLWHAT-35). All can be purchased through Everlast. CK torches are rated at 100% duty cycle both AC and DC.
    That's more or less my thought, also.

    Is the best deal via ?
    Is there a forum member discount of any kind ?

    What's the deal with the "make an offer" feature ?

    It seems I'll need to call, as the CK torch's are not listed on the website ... Anyone got a link, or is it a call only option ?
    Last edited by AZXD; 05-10-2013 at 08:23 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    Welcome, AZXD!

    Everlast distribution channels include its website and a presence on EBay and Amazon. There's no forum member discount, as such, although there is an email signup ( main page, lower right corner) to periodically receive discounts via email- usually around Christmas or Father's Day, for instance.

    The Everlast forum sponsors contests as well, where registered members join, post on the forum, and complete projects: the more participation, the greater your chances of winning. Even the guys that don't win do pretty well, since Oleg has awarded *all* participants with generous percent off coupons for participating.

    I have not used the "make an offer" feature, myself, so I can't speak to that one.

    Welcome to the forums!
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  7. #7


    Amazon is up front cheaper, especially considering the Prime Free Shipping and 60day? no questions asked return philosopy.

    Everlast Direct will give you an exchange repair warranty, vs a fix only (if purchased through another channel)

    Since they do entertain offers, you can evaluate what you are willing to pay, and bid accordingly. I really like dealing through amazon, given their 12 month no interest financing on the Amazon Card, but the post sale trade for a working unit type warranty protects you better for the long term. Amazon is finite, and there is no one to talk to that understands any product they sell.

    Oleg is really cool to deal with, and can build you a custom package with the addition torch you want. I'll be going direct on my next machine (TIG).
    Everlast PowerPro 256 (2013)
    Northern Hybrid 200 & ST80i
    HF 90Amp FluxCore (Don't laugh, it is what got me started)
    Lotos LT5000D Plasma
    HF 4x6 Horizontal Bandsaw
    Rikon 18" Bandsaw w/VFD
    Delta 14" Drill Press
    Robland NLX31 Euro Combo WW

  8. #8


    Reading the OP, not too much can be added, he did his homework and answered his own questions pretty much. The 256 might be OK, but I have never been a muilti-process person (one breaks they all break).

    I too would go with a 250EX/cooler and PP50 and later upgrade to the CK torch, unless there's no budget issues, then I would get them all at one.

    You will be very happy with that package. Also, call in and get Oleg for the best deal. Mentioned you are on the forum too.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

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