Im sure the debate has arose here before. Just wanna stir up some fun whats your preference? In my opinin both have tjeir place and also size of the metal on the project, size of the welder, power output of tphe machine.and wire size all play a big part in what structuraly is best for the situatuion.
My most common projects include welding tubing together most commonly D.O.M. ancd mild steal. I jave my tig for cromo and alum. I use a miller 252 with .035 wire normal voltagke range between 16.5-19.0 volts. My personal preference is pulse welding without letting.the cherry cool commonly each pulse is 2 seconds ontime less ,than a secon off. Thus still creating a constant bead on the metal internally at the base of the weld the nicei stacked dimes look on top with consistant 40-60 percent overlap.
Now if im welding 5/16 or larger metal plating or any other with same or higher voltage settings i prefer to do one constant bead and not pulse weld as i beleive then the metal needsk that constant arc to maintain heat and penetration on the work piece.