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Thread: Powermaster 226 has HF but will not arc

  1. Default Powermaster 226 has HF but will not arc

    I was welding last night(aluminum) and stopped to reposition my work(thin work with little amps). Went to start back welding and only has HF start. I even tried striking the arc directly to the ground glamp but no luck. Tried a diff foot pedal and the factory hand trigger setup. Few notes, reads around -032 amps and the display will not change no matter what knob I turn. When I try to strike the arc it basicly flashes to 000 on the display.
    This couldnt have happened at a worst time, have a customer flying in this saturday and I have just a little welding left to finish for him

    Any ideas?? Anyone at everlast feel free to call me at 434-470-2700 if needed or you have some ideas please

  2. #2


    Won't work with the torch switch? Does same thing? Can you scratch start it?

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Won't work with the torch switch? Does same thing? Can you scratch start it?
    No. Same thing with the torch. And will not scratch start either. All I can get is the HF

  4. #4


    Sounds terminal. Have you tried the other processes? Anything? Only other thing to do is remove the cover and see if there is anything obvious that is loose, or broken. If nothing, call tech support at ext 207.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Sounds terminal. Have you tried the other processes? Anything? Only other thing to do is remove the cover and see if there is anything obvious that is loose, or broken. If nothing, call tech support at ext 207.
    Ill try stick tonight(TIG is the ONLY function I have used on this machine). If same thing I will look for obvious after removing the cover. if I dont see anything obvious, and I send it in its still under warranty(by just a hair LOL)how does the warranty work? What all does it cover? Any chance I can just upgrade while you have the unit?
    Last edited by singlesupra; 05-24-2013 at 11:16 PM.

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by singlesupra View Post
    Ill try stick tonight(TIG is the ONLY function I have used on this machine). If same thing I will look for obvious after removing the cover. if I dont see anything obvious, and I send it in its still under warranty(by just a hair LOL)how does the warranty work? What all does it cover? Any chance I can just upgrade while you have the unit?
    Any info on how the warranty works?

  7. #7


    For full details, There are directions and information on our site under the warranty section(terms and conditions). But, you have to call tech support to get an rma, fill out the form with the details AND RMA number then you have to ship it back if its something that can only be repaired at the repair center. The warranty covers repairs, and labor. You cover the shipping.

    No upgrade on that old of an unit.

  8. Default

    Well Damn...pulled the cover didn't see anything obvious other than a slight loose connection and out cover back on. Pushed it into place and put cover back on. Started welding correctly right after. Just tonight I have the same issue again... can I still use the same return number? My warranty runs our in a few days and wish now i had just sent it back vs takin the cover off. Hope likening to u guys to take the cover off myself didn't screw me outa warranty work

    Let me know if I can use the same return number please

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by singlesupra View Post
    Well Damn...pulled the cover didn't see anything obvious other than a slight loose connection and out cover back on. Pushed it into place and put cover back on. Started welding correctly right after. Just tonight I have the same issue again... can I still use the same return number? My warranty runs our in a few days and wish now i had just sent it back vs takin the cover off. Hope likening to u guys to take the cover off myself didn't screw me outa warranty work

    Let me know if I can use the same return number please
    ttt?? anyone?? I hate to have to pay for the warranty thats out a day or two. Please let me know

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by singlesupra View Post
    ttt?? anyone?? I hate to have to pay for the warranty thats out a day or two. Please let me know
    Your best bet is to call support to verify that you can use the same RMA#.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  11. #11


    You can use it, just send it in. But before you send it in make sure it isn't in lift arc or the the main wire running to the HF board hasn't pulled loose.

  12. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    You can use it, just send it in. But before you send it in make sure it isn't in lift arc or the the main wire running to the HF board hasn't pulled loose.
    I pulled the cover again last night, which is the HF board exactly? And thanks for being so easy to work with, its why I have sent many many people you guys way over the years

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by singlesupra View Post
    I pulled the cover again last night, which is the HF board exactly? And thanks for being so easy to work with, its why I have sent many many people you guys way over the years
    It should be the board with the points on it. Probably not a bad idea to have a look at all the plugs, while you have the cover off. If it got bounced hard enough to knock one loose, there could be others that are barely hanging on.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  14. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Rambozo View Post
    It should be the board with the points on it. Probably not a bad idea to have a look at all the plugs, while you have the cover off. If it got bounced hard enough to knock one loose, there could be others that are barely hanging on.
    To be honest the Welder has sit in the same place for the past 4+ yrs so nothing has ever been bumped at all since its been here.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by singlesupra View Post
    To be honest the Welder has sit in the same place for the past 4+ yrs so nothing has ever been bumped at all since its been here.
    Sometimes repeated heating and cooling cycles can eventually work a connection or joint off that might have been loose to begin with.

  16. Default

    At this point I don't see anything obvious and am going to just send it back in. I don't want the warranty to be months out before they get it back.
    thanks for the replys and ill update what the issue was(if they tell me)

  17. Default

    FIgured Id update this. After using the everlast Id guess 20 times over the course of the years and all the issues I had, I sold it on craigslist for around $50 bucks. When I first purchased it, for about 3 months it was a royal pain to weld with so I had to buy a upgraded pedal. Used it as I said a few more times and had this issue. Sold it in 2013, got a lincoln 175 square wave used for cheaper than this new one cost me and it hasnt skipped a beat. I have used it weekly, sometimes daily for weeks at a time without so much as a hickup.
    What I learned.... These are throw away welders. You are much better off purhcasing a good used welder vs one of these. I love a deal as much as anyone and sure when it welds, it welds great but they just are not made to last. Its like purchasing anything else, you get what you pay for. Id say maybe buy one if you only use it once in a while but thats what I did and it still didnt last.
    No hard feelings on my end, and hope none on everlast end with my review. I tried to cheap out and in the end after buying this and my lincoln, I could have purchased a higher amp real welder. Hope most dont have the luck I had with it. Toys have there time and place but NOT in my shop, I have to have reliabilty

  18. #18


    That is a welder that has been out of production for about 7 years now. Welders aren't even close to being the same or built the same. They are made to last. There are a lot of terrible reviews of the Lincoln SW 175 and issues they had with the board. More than one person was told basically, that the 175's were throw away because of the cost of the boards and the problems. Everyone is going to have a different opinion and experience...but I am not sure what was wrong with your Everlast. You still did not say and over 3 years later, you post this up. I hate you had that experience. But it is a fairly isolated opinion. All of these IGBT models are still being supported and are fixable. Units still carry a 5 year warranty. If they were not good, we could not extend a 5 year warranty on them. As far as resale, you probably hurt yourself. I've seen Everlast stuff go for almost retail on craigslist and ebay. I've seen a few go for more than what the customer paid us for it.

  19. Default

    I wont argue about the lincoln 175, Ill just say this is the first Ive heard anyone consider it a throw away. Look, if I touched a nerve, sorry it wasnt my intention. I basicly got about 3 hours worth of welding out of mine due to issues at first, then the pedal and then the last HF start issue. I couldnt give you a final resolution as to what was wrong since I knew I was about to ramp up my fabrication and needed something that worked every day. I purchased the used lincoln 175 and about 6 months ago purchased another. The lincoln 175 actually has one of the best names and reputations out there and most only complaint is the 175 amps.
    As for getting less than it was worth, not sure of your area but chinese welders here dont sell well and they definately dont sell well when they are a 40#, dead in the water paper weight.

    As I said earlier my purpose for updating this thread was to give everyone my final thoughts on the welder. Im sure someone out there has had back luck with a lincoln 175 and Id welcome there review also. I did read about a potential board issue but it seems those are fixed for about $175 so I dont know who would throw away a $2000 welder for such a cheap fix but thats on them, not me. You can only cut prices on things so much until they become cheap, and thats exactly how everlast can sell these things this "cheap". I say cheap on initial purchase but the first time it fails to operate it costs you much more as well as having to buy a welder that will work daily. Sure these things have there time and place, but a shop like mine that cant take the weeks it takes to send away and get back it has no place.

    So again, goodluck to all who purchase

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by singlesupra View Post
    chinese welders here dont sell well

    So again, goodluck to all who purchase
    I hope you realize that your 175 is not made in the USA.
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

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