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Thread: Standoff for Supercut 50

  1. #1

    Default Standoff for Supercut 50

    There was no wire standoff with my new Supercut 50. How can I get one? Thanks very much.

  2. #2


    Call Alex,

    Shipping will kill you on the small part. I suggest ordering consumables at the same time, that way you get free shipping.

  3. #3


    I would call Alex and ask him about the standoff. I do not know if that is a "standard" item on that unit or not, only on the Pilot arc PowerPlasma 60 can I say that it does, but it is a more$$ machine.

  4. #4


    Jean just reminded me the reason they don't have a standoff....The super cuts need close contact to start the arc. The stand off that can be used with the supercuts is very small distance indeed, so it is likely that the wire guide would hold it too far off to start and maintain an arc. That's what I get when I don't use one forget your own stuff's capability and give out the wrong information. Sorry.
    I'll leave this hear so people can chime in their experiences with eating or with the supercuts or what ever is germane to the thread. lol...
    Last edited by performance; 03-01-2010 at 12:55 AM.

  5. #5

    Default To standoff or not to standoff

    Thanks. I'll be cutting 1/8" sheet steel for now, so I'm guessing I can do without the standoff if I can keep the power under 30 amps. Thanks for the responses. On second thought, maybe I'll call Alex just to get his take on this. Best to you all,

  6. #6


    Crow is tough to choke down, I find a cold beer helps.

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