We've just put up some videos of the Power i TIG 200T. A lot of you have been asking questions about the 255EXT. This is the jr. Sibling of it. Because of it's DC only nature, we've released it first because it's a little simpler. This unit is actually the most streamlined unit we have made to date. It has a SOLID STATE High Frequency start. No points any longer. And it starts nice, but a little different. The noise is not longer a Zap Zap sound, but an fast flash. The unit has one, that's right ONE main board. Gone are wires running everywhere. It is mounted vertically and holds most of the electrical components. It's nearly plug and play with just a few easily soldered points which will eventually be converter to screw terminals. It's well made now, and we have a few things we will work on, but as it is, it is a fabulous machine IMHO. There is a small control board with the microprocessor that is mounted to the vertical board. But it's light and very streamlined for sure. Even the positive lug is bolted directly to the board. It uses a tiny Infineon processor to manage functions. Low amp performance is the best to date of any machine we have. Watch the video you'll see.
Thanks to running out of welding rods, we'll have to wait another day to get the stick welding demo loaded.