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Thread: MTS250S Code 802 ??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Canada, Suttonwest, Ontario

    Default MTS250S Code 802 ??

    Code 802.
    I keep getting code 802.
    Start machine get 25.9V in Syn. Spool wire set to .035.
    Start welding for about two seconds then the spool gun stops.
    Machine has code 802 shut off machine restart volts 25.9V or 26.0V weld two or three seconds then it stops again.
    Restart machine get 25.9V use selector go through everything back to Syn. Spool now volts is at 23.6V welder work and does not shut off.
    Restart machine get 25.9V start welding for about two to five seconds then machine quits welding and code 802.
    Restart welder get 25.9V use selector go through everything back to Syn. Spool now volts is at 23.6V change to 25.9 it welds O.K. select any wire size everything work. Shut of welder restart 25.9V any wire size machine welds two or so seconds then quits then I get code 802.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1-Start machine.jpg 
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ID:	10079Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2-start then stop 802.jpg 
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Name:	3-two seconds of weld.jpg 
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    Last edited by Kempy; 06-06-2013 at 01:28 AM. Reason: add pics
    Everlast PowerTig 325EXT (Canada)
    Everlast Power I Mig 250 (Canada)
    Everlast PowerPlasma 80S (Canada)
    Everlast PowerCool W300 (Canada)
    Everlast PowerMTS 250S Fitted with a 30A Spoolgun(Canada)
    Miller Dynasty 400 wireless(Canada)
    Millermatic 252 plus 30A Spoolgun(Canada)

  2. #2


    Overcurrent. Check your exact input voltage. If it's a little low it can create a higher amp draw at higher voltages. Also can happen at higher volts/lower volts if your wire is on the metal when you pull the trigger.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Canada, Suttonwest, Ontario


    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Overcurrent. Check your exact input voltage. If it's a little low it can create a higher amp draw at higher voltages. Also can happen at higher volts/lower volts if your wire is on the metal when you pull the trigger.
    My in Voltage is 242V to 243V. Also just remembered it spray welded before and now it will not do it when it was spray welding it was very quite and no splatter now it has fine splatter spray. I will test Voltage will I weld to see if it changes that the input.
    Everlast PowerTig 325EXT (Canada)
    Everlast Power I Mig 250 (Canada)
    Everlast PowerPlasma 80S (Canada)
    Everlast PowerCool W300 (Canada)
    Everlast PowerMTS 250S Fitted with a 30A Spoolgun(Canada)
    Miller Dynasty 400 wireless(Canada)
    Millermatic 252 plus 30A Spoolgun(Canada)

  4. #4
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    Canada, Suttonwest, Ontario


    Well I test on alum. with old settings and it welds then quits and melts the tips off.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1-weld alum problem.jpg 
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    problem welding tips melting
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2-old weld Alum..jpg 
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    old weld no problems
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	3-tips melted alum..jpg 
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ID:	10085
    Everlast PowerTig 325EXT (Canada)
    Everlast Power I Mig 250 (Canada)
    Everlast PowerPlasma 80S (Canada)
    Everlast PowerCool W300 (Canada)
    Everlast PowerMTS 250S Fitted with a 30A Spoolgun(Canada)
    Miller Dynasty 400 wireless(Canada)
    Millermatic 252 plus 30A Spoolgun(Canada)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012


    What is the 802 error code? I don't see any codes listed in the manual. On-board diagnostics are great, but only if you have the key.

    Just overcurrent of the input or something more specific? Is there a list of codes somewhere?
    Last edited by Rambozo; 06-06-2013 at 05:27 PM.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  6. #6
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    Canada, Suttonwest, Ontario


    Quote Originally Posted by Rambozo View Post
    What is the 802 error code? I don't see any codes listed in the manual. On-board diagnostics are great, but only if you have the key.

    Just overcurrent of the input or something more specific? Is there a list of codes somewhere?
    Good question we need a list of error codes for all the machines.

    Figured out one problem it seem to be the Spool gun why I do not know. Change to the Mig gun and see pics.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	mig gun OK.jpg 
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    Spray weld OK with Mig gun no splatter runs quite
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	MTS250S SYN MIG OK.jpg 
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    Setting on MTS250S in SYN MIG Mode

    Will need tech to figure out what went wrong with the Spool Gun when it is plug in and the machine is turned on it goes to 25.9V or 26.0V every time but in other setting they stay the same.
    Everlast PowerTig 325EXT (Canada)
    Everlast Power I Mig 250 (Canada)
    Everlast PowerPlasma 80S (Canada)
    Everlast PowerCool W300 (Canada)
    Everlast PowerMTS 250S Fitted with a 30A Spoolgun(Canada)
    Miller Dynasty 400 wireless(Canada)
    Millermatic 252 plus 30A Spoolgun(Canada)

  7. #7


    I've never tried spray arc before but it seems like low wire speed would cause the melted tips.
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  8. #8
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    May 2012


    As a test to help narrow down things, does the spoolgun work in the non-syn mode?
    And how does the wirespeed control on the gun work?
    I'm thinking that if the pot for wirespeed on the gun is bad, then in the SYN mode, the welder will get bad data and make changes in voltage to try to keep things in sync.
    But that still doesn't explain your error code.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  9. #9
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    Canada, Suttonwest, Ontario


    Quote Originally Posted by Rambozo View Post
    As a test to help narrow down things, does the spoolgun work in the non-syn mode?
    And how does the wirespeed control on the gun work?
    I'm thinking that if the pot for wirespeed on the gun is bad, then in the SYN mode, the welder will get bad data and make changes in voltage to try to keep things in sync.
    But that still doesn't explain your error code.
    The wire speed controller work you can change the speed will it is running for a short time then it stops.
    It works in none SYN mode but can not get it to spray just weld with fine splatter for a little longer then in SYN mode then it burns the tip also the wire speed is at full can not go any faster.
    Everlast PowerTig 325EXT (Canada)
    Everlast Power I Mig 250 (Canada)
    Everlast PowerPlasma 80S (Canada)
    Everlast PowerCool W300 (Canada)
    Everlast PowerMTS 250S Fitted with a 30A Spoolgun(Canada)
    Miller Dynasty 400 wireless(Canada)
    Millermatic 252 plus 30A Spoolgun(Canada)

  10. #10


    What wire diameter and what wire tip size are you using?

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Canada, Suttonwest, Ontario


    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    What wire diameter and what wire tip size are you using?
    Steel .035 tip .035 Spool gun
    Alum. .035 tip .040 Spool gun
    Steel .035 tip .035 Mig gun
    Everlast PowerTig 325EXT (Canada)
    Everlast Power I Mig 250 (Canada)
    Everlast PowerPlasma 80S (Canada)
    Everlast PowerCool W300 (Canada)
    Everlast PowerMTS 250S Fitted with a 30A Spoolgun(Canada)
    Miller Dynasty 400 wireless(Canada)
    Millermatic 252 plus 30A Spoolgun(Canada)

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Canada, Suttonwest, Ontario


    More testing on the MTS250S.
    Turn on MTS250S use Spool gun using Aluminum 4043 wire .035 tip .040 SYN mode burns up tip in two seconds or shuts down 802.
    Turn on MTS250S use Spool gun using Steel S-6 wire .035 tip .035 SYN mode burns up tip in four or five seconds or shuts down 802.
    Turn on MTS250S go thru all settings and then use Spool gun using Aluminum 4043 wire .035 tip .040 SYN mode burns up tip in 10 to 15 seconds.
    Turn on MTS250S go thru all settings and then use Spool gun using Steel S-6 wire .035 tip .035 SYN mode burns up tip in 30 to 40 seconds.
    Turn on MTS250S go thru all settings and use Spool gun using Steel S-6 wire .035 tip .035 in none SYN mode get nice weld.
    Turn on MTS250S go thru all settings and use Spool gun using Aluminum 4043 wire .035 tip .040 in none SYN mode get nice weld for 10 seconds OUT OF WIRE cannot keep testing.
    My conclusion right or wrong are.
    Conclusion #1 Spool gun is OK but not in SYN mode. Synergic mode not working with Spool gun when selected SYN SPOOL mode.
    Conclusion #2 Spool gun work very well in Spool mode.
    Conclusion #3 Mig gun work very well in SYN MIG mode.
    Conclusion #4 Mig gun work very well in MIG mode.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Settings no SYN Spool.jpg 
Views:	443 
Size:	136.5 KB 
ID:	10088Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Spray weld Steel.jpg 
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ID:	10089
    Everlast PowerTig 325EXT (Canada)
    Everlast Power I Mig 250 (Canada)
    Everlast PowerPlasma 80S (Canada)
    Everlast PowerCool W300 (Canada)
    Everlast PowerMTS 250S Fitted with a 30A Spoolgun(Canada)
    Miller Dynasty 400 wireless(Canada)
    Millermatic 252 plus 30A Spoolgun(Canada)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Sounds like it's in the spool gun for sure. I would still say that there is an intermittent open or short that is giving the SYN mode fits, and causing it to crank the current through the roof to try to compensate. Maybe something as simple as a bad wiper in the pot for wirespeed. In non SYN mode you might not notice the wire speed changing if it was only a few milliseconds, but the SYN mode would react to it.
    Too bad your other spoolgun isn't the same, that would let you verify things easy.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  14. #14


    Have you turned your burn back OFF for aluminum? Also have you fine tuned any in synergic mode with the spool gun? You likely will need to retune some, depending upon a number of factors. But honestly, I'd go to a .045 for the .035 aluminum.

    Rambozo, synergic doesn't work by reacting.

  15. #15


    Are you using pure argon or argon/helium on aluminum?

  16. #16
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    May 2012


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but in synergic mode, if you adjust the wirespeed on the spoolgun, the machine will adjust both wirespeed and voltage to maintain the set ratio between wirespeed and voltage, correct?
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  17. #17


    The voltage may need to be retuned. The synergic setting is a starting point, not an ending point. Thats why its retunable.

  18. #18
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    I understand that. But how much different would the settings be between the mig gun and the spoolgun for the same size steel wire.
    Seems to me that the settings that work for one, should be damn close for the other, maybe not exactly the same, because of the different drives not being exactly calibrated, but not so far out that it would melt the tip in seconds and trip an error code.

    I was wondering what the machine would do if the wirespeed control on the gun had an intermittent off scale reading. Does the software perform a sanity check on that data, or simply try to accept it? Is it buffered or filtered at all?

    From everything that Kempy has tested, it sure seems like there is something out of sorts with the spoolgun.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  19. #19


    You are over thinking this. The unit sends voltage to the wire feeder...that's it. The input is analog on this unit from the wire speed controller. If something is wrong, it won't read it. My guess is that he may be using another gas or the wire is siezing in the TIP from over expansion...because I had this issue on one of our other migs personally and solved it with changing to a fulll .010 size larger. No issues now. Same basic gun. When you are spray welding, especially with aluminum, a burn back occurs instantly. It's not something you can react to or even the machine can react to. ANOTHER possibility is the arc force is set poorly for operation with the spool gun. This WILL affect performance from my testing.

    Another issue, is the diameter groove may not be ideal for the wire size. I don't know, but it's a possibility and the diameter of the groove affects wire feed speed.
    The spool gun works off of a maximum of 24V...or there about.

  20. #20
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    May 2012


    OK, I thought the wirefeed was under microprocessor control. I didn't know it was analog.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

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