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Thread: Purchase 250 EX

  1. #81


    Quote Originally Posted by rwcme View Post
    Well looks like UPS did it again. Two packages were scanned, one only 1 time (250 EX). The other, (the water cooler) multiple times. The welder was supposed to be here today. The cooler tomorrow. But a cute sounding girl behind the phone at Everlast took care of everything. And she also called it this afternoon, she said it was lost. Well atleast I will have a water cooler. Ill wax it up, fill it up, and pretend it is hooked up to the welder.
    What part of the country are you in ?
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  2. #82


    In Oklahoma
    Quote Originally Posted by zoama585 View Post
    What part of the country are you in ?

  3. #83
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Mr120 View Post
    Avoiding back problems when get older would explain why some drivers like to roll heavier boxes from their truck to the doorstep ....
    Funny how heavier boxes tend to get "lost" more often.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    In Redneck heaven in the sticks in FL


    That sucks , one of my packages are supposed to be here tomorrow , 30 lbs ,so I'm guessing the cooler , the next package 80 lbs on Wednesday , I'll wait and see , not holding my breath .

  5. #85


    What irritates me, is where the boxes are being shipped to, I asked someone to hang around an hour longer. I can imagine how pissed he was. I can only do that so many times. I tried getting stuff shipped here, UPS couldnt find my house. But I doubt the package even left Cal. Someone at UPS needs to be held accountable. Heads need to roll. I imagine this happens all the time.

  6. #86
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    Northern Virginia


    I think it's possible to tell UPS to hold your package at their depot, and pick it up in person. Kinda defeats the purpose of package delivery, but you wouldn't have to impose on a friend, and it would give UPS one less chance to drop the box off the back of the truck or not find your house. You'd also have the opportunity to ensure that heads roll, if it comes to that.
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  7. #87


    I dont think the box ever left Cal. Its out of my hands. Its all about morals, responcibility being accountable. Here is a good video on youtube that explains it all (America is not the greatest country anymore) The closest UPS is 40 miles away.

  8. Default

    my powerultra 205p made it here today yippie so far so good used plasma cutter on 110 and 220v have a tiny bit to do on my 220v line was not sure what plug came with it if any but was a nice surprise it came with both a 110v and the 220v plugs nice so far so good iam pleased with the look and feel of it 45 pounds shipping more to come later today ........thanks oleg for the sweet deal

  9. #89
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    In Redneck heaven in the sticks in FL


    Awesome Travis , that's cool ,and you get a plug on the end , I wonder if my EX 250 will have a plug ? My W300 cooler came today , all in one piece , also opened it up to check if all well inside and to check hose clamps for tightness , all was good ,only thing I found that could be better is to put the two hose clamps and two quick disconnects in the same ziplock bag as the manual instead of just thrown in the box . If the box gets torn open in transit , you are out of business till you get them replaced . Expecting the 80 Lbs tig tomorrow , hope I get the strong young bucks handling my package during transit instead of some of the old guys rolling the box around and trashing the product .
    I wonder how many claims Oleg and the guys get for damaged goods ?
    For a small fee Everlast could ask for more substantial packaging that would protect the units better . I received a Micro Mark lathe that was extremely well packaged by Taig in China at the retailers request after getting a few damage claims and there was no increase in the retail price .
    Thanks Oleg and Everlast for the first part of my purchase

  10. #90


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocrat View Post
    I wonder if my EX 250 will have a plug ?
    EX 250 does not come with a plug.
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  11. Default

    ok now I need to know is it normal for the plasma plug to be loose where it connects to the big pretty green box the other plugs all fit nice and tight the one for plasma will wiggle inside the socket when fully turned counterclockwise till it stops my torch is a kind of purple color if that helps ..............thanks

  12. #92
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    In Redneck heaven in the sticks in FL


    Thanks Zoama

  13. #93


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocrat View Post
    Awesome Travis , that's cool ,and you get a plug on the end , I wonder if my EX 250 will have a plug ? My W300 cooler came today , all in one piece , also opened it up to check if all well inside and to check hose clamps for tightness , all was good ,only thing I found that could be better is to put the two hose clamps and two quick disconnects in the same ziplock bag as the manual instead of just thrown in the box . If the box gets torn open in transit , you are out of business till you get them replaced . Expecting the 80 Lbs tig tomorrow , hope I get the strong young bucks handling my package during transit instead of some of the old guys rolling the box around and trashing the product .
    I wonder how many claims Oleg and the guys get for damaged goods ?
    For a small fee Everlast could ask for more substantial packaging that would protect the units better . I received a Micro Mark lathe that was extremely well packaged by Taig in China at the retailers request after getting a few damage claims and there was no increase in the retail price .
    Thanks Oleg and Everlast for the first part of my purchase
    We have upgraded the packaging multiple times according to UPS recommendations. Each time they rise to new heights to damage the the way cost to do so is much more than you'd expect
    and it requiires sginificant investment each time because you typicallyhave to pay for the dies and raw materials UP front alon with the mfgr cost.

  14. Default

    Prepare to be dazzled..

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    Hey it melts stuff... cool.

    No filler, just etching and seeing where/how/if the puddle happens, tungsten prep, metal prep. All that pitting was when I was trying to back off slowly and lifted to high and the arc got all pissed off and struck the puddle multiple times. It was a push etch (right to left) then it puddled so I "pulled" (left to right) the puddle back then tried to back off.
    Oh yea and about three tungsten dips/regrinds.
    I know you all must be thinking wow this kid is a natural
    Im just glad its here and it melts stuff.

  15. #95
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    In Redneck heaven in the sticks in FL


    I hear you Mark , I have been involved in getting stuff out of China , most of the big machinery manufacturers already have a sub contractor doing the packaging with some format that would work already in place so boxing dies are not nessesary ,it's best to have someone on the ground at the manufacturer before every run to wheel and deal ,and not sign off on sub standard items like packaging ,speaking mandarin is a must . Unfortunately the manufacturer will always try taking a cheap way out . For this very reason ,a lot of items have been brought back to continental North America for manufacturing

  16. #96
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    4th , you better hide those pics , if the old lady finds you been melting metal on her carpet she's gonna put that welder where the sun don't shine Have fun playing

  17. #97
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    In Redneck heaven in the sticks in FL


    Well the EX250 got here late Wednesday , it came well packaged except for the assesory box inside , the pedal , torch and regulator where pinballing around inside and busted the box , naturally the small pieces dropped out into the big box which was dropped on a corner somewhere in transit and spilling the small bits ,so no collets or collet bodies and only one cup which I found in the bottom of the big box . Will call the guys over at Everlast in the morning and see if they can send some more bits ,otherwise everything else is in one piece , no damage to the machine . I will put it together and give it a test drive on the weekend , didn't realize how big the thing was , had an idea it was smaller , but a great looking machine anyway .
    Thanks Oleg and the folks at Everlast for the work that goes into making this a good product

  18. #98
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    In Redneck heaven in the sticks in FL


    Hey guys ,I have a question for you , the closest LWS is 40 miles away , where's the best place to get Tig consumables online ?

  19. #99
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    I've had good experiences with . Good prices and quick shipping. I've seen others mention as a good source but I have not dealt with them myself.
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  20. #100


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocrat View Post
    Hey guys ,I have a question for you , the closest LWS is 40 miles away , where's the best place to get Tig consumables online ?
    we have all in stock .. no need to go to others site:
    Oleg Gladshteyn
    Phone: 650 588 8082 / 877 755 WELD
    Cell: 415 613 6664 ONLY IF YOU REALLY NEED IT

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