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Thread: Happy with Cutter, but have a few small issues

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  1. #1

    Default Happy with Cutter, but have a few small issues

    Hey Everybody!
    I bought a 4x4 cnc table/gantry setup about a month ago, and a PowerPlasma 50. So far I love the cutter and have been having a blast cutting things for work, and for home projects.
    I had to assemble and and commission my system, and of course ran across a few problems, but by searching the forums, I've been able to solve most of my problems.

    After a month of use, the piston/plunger in my torch head became stuck, and Ray was even able to point me in the right direction over the phone. I'm very happy with the customer service from Everlast so far as well.

    However, I am having a couple of small hiccups. I'm sure that these are just part of the learning curve, but if any experienced users could share a little advice, I would really appreciate it!

    #1. Sometimes when I am cutting a part with multiple cuts, the cutter will cut the first contour, but will stay on as it moves to the start point of the next cut. When it does this it cuts a shallow ditch into the face of my part and ruins it. It usually only does this one time, near the beginning of my program. At first it would only do it the first time I ran the program, so I thought it was in the contoller and or Mach3 and rectified it by doing a dry run first without the cutter on, then turning the cutter on and rerunning the program. However this only worked for a program or two and now it seems to do it randomly throughout any program.
    I'm using Mach3 and everything from a programming standpoint looks good. Even the torch on indicator in Mach 3 lights up and turns off at the proper time. I turned my post flow all the way down. Sometimes at the end of the program the torch will stay on the part and continue to flow for several seconds burning a big hole before turning off to end the program. I've played with the dwell settings as well, and it seems that this is just a random thing. I also tried the cnc vs manual control button on the front of the machine as well with no better results.

    #2. Recently, on multiple contour parts, I've had a problem with the torch not striking an arc until several inches into a contour cut, and sometimes not striking an arc at all on a contour, but stiking an arc just fine on the next. I've been cutting 1/8" steel and thought maybe it had to do with the distance from the torch to the part, when the metal begins to warp slightly from the heat of previous cuts, but that is not the case as it continued onto the next parts I was cutting with flat fresh metal. I took the torch head apart again and the piston/plunger seems fine, and I obviously tried replacing the consumables. I thought perhaps water in the air system could be at fault, but it was not. This one has me scratching my head a little. If anyone could recommend air pressure, and amperage settings as well as appropriate torch head to part gap for cutting, I'd appreciate it. Im still learning and going by trail and error here.

    Thanks so much to anyone who can share a little knowledge!

  2. #2

    Default Scratch That!

    Ok, scratch that! Just tried to cut again to troubleshoot the sporadic cutting conditions, and heard a loud POP! Smoke rolling out of the machine. Fuse in front panel is blown bad. Only the front half of the fuse came out. It looks melted. Other half must be inside.

  3. #3


    JOsh were you using the machine torch or the hand held? The duty cycle is limited on the hand held. IF it did stick, long term it could do damage.

  4. #4


    Hey Mark,
    Ive been on tech support with Ray. I was not using by hand, it was hooked to cnc machine as usual. (mach3,Gecko controllers, cnc cable to machine) Dry air conditions, 65psi air supply. Cutting 1/8" steel.
    After removing the panel I found a few things and have sent pics to Ray. The air hose coming off of the solenoid going to the torch connector had come off of the fitting on the solenoid. I believe that was part of my problems over the last few days. Additionally, the large yellow wire that attaches to the back of the fuse holder was burned off. The fuse holder is burned up too much to simply reattach the yellow wire.
    I spoke with Ray and wanted to make sure that any repairs I do would not void my warranty. I can reattach the hose, and I can replace the fuse holder.
    My main questions are,
    Why did this happen? Was it anything that I did?
    Was it related to the air hose coming off in any way?
    Could it have damaged any other part of the machine? (I sent Ray a picture of the board)

    It is a new unit. I purchased it a two months ago but have really only been using it for about 3 weeks.
    And for anyone following this thread, Ive got to say that tech support has been awesome! It is Friday afternoon on a holiday weekend and Ray made time to call me back!

    Thanks Mark for responding to this post as well!

  5. #5


    I wanted to know if you were using the MACHINE torch or trying to make the hand torch work for CNC use? The stock torch is only about 40% duty cycle at 50 amps. It melts down pretty quickly under
    CNC use. For CNC use we have an S-45 machine torch, or you can get the more heavy duty S-75 machine torch now. I am imagining something happened in the torch head with the pilot arc if the fuse blew
    and blew something else in the unit.

  6. #6


    Additionally, as far as the air hose coming off, you cannot SUPPLY the unit with MORE than 90 psi...or this will happen. Better yet, keep it 85 or below. I'm not talking about operating pressure, but rather
    supply pressure directly from the tank. Additionally, IF something in the torch head has melted or stuck, it could blow the Pilot arc fuse, and also cause a blown hose on the torch side of the solenoid.
    Either that or somehow the cutter's pilot arc circuit somehow was fed more than 25 amps or so while in operation on a feedback or something???
    Last edited by performance; 07-06-2013 at 03:56 AM.

  7. #7


    Ive got it regulated at 65psi coming off my compressor

  8. #8


    I'm sorry. Yes, I'm using a hand torch on a cnc. Its not what I wanted. I bought from Gearhead cnc and I thought I was getting a machine torch head. But Im not complaining. The handheld torch is working ok for now the way they have designed it to fit my cnc gantry.
    Regarding duty cycles and such.

    The other day the torch wasnt striking an arc, and Ray helped me to take the head apart and inspect the plunger/piston assembly in the head. The piston/plunger was not moving. I did not find any specific culprit such as dirt or moisture, but by dis assembly and reassembly, the piston/plunger mechanism began working and I was cutting again.

    The next day I started experiencing the intermitten arcing problems, and just turned off the machine.

    Today I turned on the machine to do a test cut and start troubleshooting the intermitten problem. Thats when this POP occurred. I started a small program and it did not strike an arc. After about 20 seconds of time in the program where is was supposed to be cutting, I heard the Pop and saw the smoke.

    The components in the torch head look good. I had just changed consumables the other day when I looked at the plunger issue.

    I cant thank you enough for the info helping me troubleshoot this. Im pretty mechanically and electrically inclined, but am new to plasma cutters. I read through all the manual supplied and tried to educate myself through the forums as well. I think that I had all the setting right, but just trying to find the cause. If its something that I did I def dont want to do it again. If its just a fluke thing, then its no big deal either. Just want to get up and running again!

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