Hey Everybody!
I bought a 4x4 cnc table/gantry setup about a month ago, and a PowerPlasma 50. So far I love the cutter and have been having a blast cutting things for work, and for home projects.
I had to assemble and and commission my system, and of course ran across a few problems, but by searching the forums, I've been able to solve most of my problems.
After a month of use, the piston/plunger in my torch head became stuck, and Ray was even able to point me in the right direction over the phone. I'm very happy with the customer service from Everlast so far as well.
However, I am having a couple of small hiccups. I'm sure that these are just part of the learning curve, but if any experienced users could share a little advice, I would really appreciate it!
#1. Sometimes when I am cutting a part with multiple cuts, the cutter will cut the first contour, but will stay on as it moves to the start point of the next cut. When it does this it cuts a shallow ditch into the face of my part and ruins it. It usually only does this one time, near the beginning of my program. At first it would only do it the first time I ran the program, so I thought it was in the contoller and or Mach3 and rectified it by doing a dry run first without the cutter on, then turning the cutter on and rerunning the program. However this only worked for a program or two and now it seems to do it randomly throughout any program.
I'm using Mach3 and everything from a programming standpoint looks good. Even the torch on indicator in Mach 3 lights up and turns off at the proper time. I turned my post flow all the way down. Sometimes at the end of the program the torch will stay on the part and continue to flow for several seconds burning a big hole before turning off to end the program. I've played with the dwell settings as well, and it seems that this is just a random thing. I also tried the cnc vs manual control button on the front of the machine as well with no better results.
#2. Recently, on multiple contour parts, I've had a problem with the torch not striking an arc until several inches into a contour cut, and sometimes not striking an arc at all on a contour, but stiking an arc just fine on the next. I've been cutting 1/8" steel and thought maybe it had to do with the distance from the torch to the part, when the metal begins to warp slightly from the heat of previous cuts, but that is not the case as it continued onto the next parts I was cutting with flat fresh metal. I took the torch head apart again and the piston/plunger seems fine, and I obviously tried replacing the consumables. I thought perhaps water in the air system could be at fault, but it was not. This one has me scratching my head a little. If anyone could recommend air pressure, and amperage settings as well as appropriate torch head to part gap for cutting, I'd appreciate it. Im still learning and going by trail and error here.
Thanks so much to anyone who can share a little knowledge!