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Thread: 250 ex arrived 4 days ago

  1. #1

    Thumbs up 250 ex arrived 4 days ago

    Hello : I just got a 250 ex last week and so far I love it.
    I was reading somewhere about using a 40-50 amp plug . Is that required for such a small primary cable? What is it 12 ga? I am 6 ' from breakers. Let me know if I need to change it.

    Any way , I have a 20 A and so far so good. I used Pulse on some 1/8 in al and it works GREAT. Thanks to all you at Everlast.
    I also did not notice til I almost used a 125 of Ar that the flowmeter is LPm I had it at 20 thinking it was CFH.

  2. #2


    min is 40 amp breaker I would use a 50 amp aleast and being so close 8 gauge wire would be good . I use 50 amp plugs and 60 amp breakers with 6 gauge wire but that because the wiring is over 50 feet long at my machine shop for my welders they last long since not the min recomended .

  3. #3


    No, 20 amp is too low. If you haven't tripped your breaker, then I suggest you get another breaker!! It might be faulty.

    I will resolve this amp issue I hope by posting this:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	panel backs 014.jpg 
Views:	377 
Size:	96.7 KB 
ID:	274  

  4. #4


    Not a 20 breaker a 20a plug.Breaker is 40 amp. Same as an elect range.

  5. #5


    Don't use a 20 amp plug, please.

  6. #6

    Default dryer cord ?

    I have a 90amp dryer plug 3 phase. Will that work?

  7. #7


    Unless you have 220 3 phase power.

    A 6-50 p NEMA plug is the standard welder plug.

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