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Thread: Just set up Powermaster 256

  1. Default Just set up Powermaster 256

    I just got my PowerMaster 256 set up and running great.
    I'm stick welding a welding cart. Almost done.
    Then I can set up the argon tank and check out the tig features.
    Nice size and the controls are laid out fantastic.
    The wiring was easy to hookup with the help on this forum.
    Thanks Everlast support,

  2. #2


    Hey Joe,

    Glad you like it and thank for posting. That is a good combo far as TIG power and a cutter.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  3. Talking re:pm256

    Well I have been using the stick welding feature A+
    I also got the plasma cutter running, WOW very smooth
    I don't know how I could continue cutting with gas.
    very clean cutting, just running at 35amps so far.
    My cart is done and will comment on the tig functions next.

  4. #4


    Cutting with gas?

    Plasma cutting is done with compressed air.

  5. Talking Re: GAS

    That's pretty funny imagine hooking up acetylene gas to the plasma
    cutter BOOM. actually not enough pressure.
    No I meant replacing oxy/Acetylene with the plasma cutter
    Don't try this at home

  6. #6



    I was just thinking that you left the argon connected to cut with the plasma. lol....

    An O/A powered plasma???? Well, since you didn't understand me and I didn't understand you, I guess we are both party to some new urban legend that we just created.

    I've heard of water injected plasma cutters...but...I guess anything could be done if you wanted to do

    It just goes to show how two people can think they are talking about the same thing and totally miss what the other is fault on this one.
    Last edited by performance; 03-06-2010 at 01:31 AM.

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post

    I was just thinking that you left the argon connected to cut with the plasma. lol....

    An O/A powered plasma???? Well, since you didn't understand me and I didn't understand you, I guess we are both party to some new urban legend that we just created.

    I've heard of water injected plasma cutters...but...I guess anything could be done if you wanted to do

    It just goes to show how two people can think they are talking about the same thing and totally miss what the other is fault on this one.
    We have all been there.
    Well I finally got around to it....The tig has been set up for a few weeks.
    been busy. I'll tell ya I am impressed with the tig functions.
    It is really nice. Its like welding with a laser beam..
    very adjustable.

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