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Thread: Cnc plasma cutting problems

  1. Default Cnc plasma cutting problems

    Hey guys I'm new to site and just recently got everything set up to run my 2x2 cnc table. So for a bit of back ground info, I bought the torchmate unit, the plasma cutter is an everlast 60s blowback with a tramifet cnc machine torch ( I know I know it's not a hypertherm but the reviews and functions of this machine where excellent for the price ) I have wired the cnc control box to the plasma cutter wiring in pins 1 and 2 like supposed to. The problem I'm having is when I go to test the plasma cutter though the aux menu nothing happens? I don't know if this is relevant but when I change from 2t to 4t the plasma turns on and runs continuously with no control from the software. All I'm trying to do is a line test cut on some 14 gauge steel and and having a heck of a time trying to get it to work properly. I'm new to the fabrication world so any input would be greatly appreciated!!!

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by FeddFab View Post
    Hey guys I'm new to site and just recently got everything set up to run my 2x2 cnc table. So for a bit of back ground info, I bought the torchmate unit, the plasma cutter is an everlast 60s blowback with a tramifet cnc machine torch ( I know I know it's not a hypertherm but the reviews and functions of this machine where excellent for the price ) I have wired the cnc control box to the plasma cutter wiring in pins 1 and 2 like supposed to. The problem I'm having is when I go to test the plasma cutter though the aux menu nothing happens? I don't know if this is relevant but when I change from 2t to 4t the plasma turns on and runs continuously with no control from the software. All I'm trying to do is a line test cut on some 14 gauge steel and and having a heck of a time trying to get it to work properly. I'm new to the fabrication world so any input would be greatly appreciated!!!
    Does the controller latch or pulse, are they dry contacts? Might be best to call our toll free number and hit exit 203 while at the unit with an ohm meter.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by FeddFab View Post
    Hey guys I'm new to site and just recently got everything set up to run my 2x2 cnc table. So for a bit of back ground info, I bought the torchmate unit, the plasma cutter is an everlast 60s blowback with a tramifet cnc machine torch ( I know I know it's not a hypertherm but the reviews and functions of this machine where excellent for the price ) I have wired the cnc control box to the plasma cutter wiring in pins 1 and 2 like supposed to. The problem I'm having is when I go to test the plasma cutter though the aux menu nothing happens? I don't know if this is relevant but when I change from 2t to 4t the plasma turns on and runs continuously with no control from the software. All I'm trying to do is a line test cut on some 14 gauge steel and and having a heck of a time trying to get it to work properly. I'm new to the fabrication world so any input would be greatly appreciated!!!
    Hook up a push button to pins 1 and 2 and try it without the cable to your CNC. In 2T it should come on as long as you hold the button down, on 4T tap the button once to start and tap again to end. That will narrow down your trouble shooting to which piece of equipment you need to look at. Are you using the Torchmate arc voltage torch height control?
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  4. Default

    The controller has pulsed once out of like 20 different tries, the rest of the time when I try to turn the torch on from the torchmate software just to test it to see if the two are connected it doesn't do anything. It's like it's not even connecting to my control box. Saying that when I use the hand torch to do stuff off the table the machine works flawless but it's just not working with the cnc. And I spent 500+ getting a machine torch for it so I hope it's just operator error and I'm missing something but as far as I can see the torch should be firing when I tell it to and it's not. The only way I can get it to fire is by change the setting on the everlast machine itself, please help lol! I will try the switch idea but I am leaching the switch to do that right now. Thanks for the help

  5. Default

    Also not using avhc, I have a manual machine torch mount

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by FeddFab View Post
    The controller has pulsed once out of like 20 different tries, the rest of the time when I try to turn the torch on from the torchmate software just to test it to see if the two are connected it doesn't do anything. It's like it's not even connecting to my control box. Saying that when I use the hand torch to do stuff off the table the machine works flawless but it's just not working with the cnc. And I spent 500+ getting a machine torch for it so I hope it's just operator error and I'm missing something but as far as I can see the torch should be firing when I tell it to and it's not. The only way I can get it to fire is by change the setting on the everlast machine itself, please help lol! I will try the switch idea but I am leaching the switch to do that right now. Thanks for the help
    If torchmate is a dry contact (relay) and it latches on until cutting is done. This should work fine. See what the torchmate output is.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  7. #7


    As Rambozo said you need find out if you problem is with the CNC computer controller or the plasma unit. If you are using the Trafimet p81 machine torch that is not a blow back type torch but a pilot arc and I don’t think it will work with you plasma unit. Do you have a 60 or 60C the 60 is blow back and the 60C is high voltage/low frequency. The trafimet A81 or P81 torch will work with the 60C.
    Do you have a multi meter you can check the output from the controller by selecting the ohm meter and checking the pin output, When you tell it to turn on the torch you should see 0 ohms on meter and no ohms when torch off is used.

    Everlast PM256
    Millermatic 180
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    ect, ect.

  8. Default

    Thanks for the replys, first off the torchmate controller DOES have a relay where the wires get fastened into and that is also removable. Second I have tried to make a complete circuit by touching wires together while machine is running and no success so I'm thinking its something in the machine. The machine is an everlast 60s with the blow back torch, also the torch I'm using is a tramifet s75 and I was told when I bought this machine that it would come pre wired for cnc. I've been trying to sort this out all afternoon with no luck

  9. #9


    If I hear what you are saying that you short the wires going to the 60S and it does not fire there is a problem with the 60S.
    Her is something from the manual

    Arc will not start. Air will not flow. Machine runs. Torch cup is loose, safety contact pins dirty or not making contact with cup face. Torch switch wire is loose. Problem with Central connector. Torch is not properly connected.

    I think you have a problem wit the torch wiring see the attached image of the torch parts.
    These wires were not in the right place in the connector on my torch and my torch would fire when the plasma unit was turned on, never off until power off. They are a safety so if the tip cover is not tight you get no air/fire from the torch. Mine were wired to pins were to go to the button on the torch handle and that is why it fired all the time. From the statement above it looks like they are in series with the signal from the CNC plug to allow the plasma fire if the cover is on correctly. You may need Everlast techs to help with this.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	torch_0001.jpg 
Views:	1109 
Size:	149.7 KB 
ID:	10336  
    Last edited by acourtjester; 07-28-2013 at 01:42 AM.

    Everlast PM256
    Millermatic 180
    Hypertherm PowerMax 65 with machine torch
    Longevity Force Cut 80I
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  10. #10
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    Also as Tom mentioned if you have a blowback machine without a blowback torch, you will only be able to contact start. It looks like the S75 machine torch is blowback, but I can't tell for sure from the documentation. Everlast's previous machine torch wasn't blowback. The 60S is a blowback machine. For the moment just see if the airflow starts and stops when the unit is triggered. Then you can worry about the actual arc starts. You might have more than one problem, but it sounds like it's all little configuration stuff, so I'm sure you can get it sorted. Just approach it step by step and try not to assume anything or skip over things. Just makes troubleshooting take longer in the end.
    Last edited by Rambozo; 07-28-2013 at 01:55 AM.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  11. Default

    Ok so for tonight I've ruled out that it isn't my control box, hooked up an ohm meter to the relay switch and turned on the plasma via computer to make sure that it was sending the signal which it is. So like acourtjester said earlier it is definitely in the machine. Just so everyone is clear on the torch situation I have two egrocut s75 torches, one is the hand torch ( which I use off the cnc table ) and the other is the machine torch for the cnc, both torches are blow back design and the consumables are interchangeable. So saying that I did check the cup and everything is tight and safety pins are pushed in, and still no luck. I also wanted to clear up that I am getting air either constant or timed flow depending on what I have it set at, but still no arc when told by my computer.

  12. Default

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.jpg 
Views:	672 
Size:	145.1 KB 
ID:	10347
    That is my set up

  13. #13
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    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by FeddFab View Post
    Ok so for tonight I've ruled out that it isn't my control box, hooked up an ohm meter to the relay switch and turned on the plasma via computer to make sure that it was sending the signal which it is. So like acourtjester said earlier it is definitely in the machine. Just so everyone is clear on the torch situation I have two egrocut s75 torches, one is the hand torch ( which I use off the cnc table ) and the other is the machine torch for the cnc, both torches are blow back design and the consumables are interchangeable. So saying that I did check the cup and everything is tight and safety pins are pushed in, and still no luck. I also wanted to clear up that I am getting air either constant or timed flow depending on what I have it set at, but still no arc when told by my computer.
    Ok that narrows it down. If the air solenoid is activated by your computer, then everything is hooked up right, and working. There has to be a problem in your blowback machine torch. Verify that the piston moves properly, and is not jammed. You can also swap out your hand torch yet trigger it with the CNC, as a test, but I'm sure that would work and isn't very useful. However, you can compare both torches to look for and irregularities between them, and make sure everything works the same.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  14. #14


    Here is something for you to do now .
    check the pins on both torches to see if they are the same. You can take the cover off the torches where it attaches to the plasma unit see it the same pins are used. one thing that will be different is the machine torch should not have the button switch wired this may be the 2 pins on either side of the square locator of the plug at the top that is the button connections for the hand torch. If you do not have a switch between CNC control and manual torch control you should be able to check the pins between the CNC jack and front torch jack. If you have the Euro connection on the front one of the pins next to the square locator (button pins) should show 0 ohns to pins 1 or 2 on the CNC jack in the back. and the same for the other side of the locator to pin 1 or 2 on the CNC jack. front left pin to 1 on the back and front right pin to 2 on the back may be reversed but that what I mean.
    What I am saying is the CNC jack should be hooked the same as the button pins on the front jack.
    That is the CNC controller is just making the same circuit as the button on the torch to fire the torch.
    Last edited by acourtjester; 07-28-2013 at 03:14 AM.

    Everlast PM256
    Millermatic 180
    Hypertherm PowerMax 65 with machine torch
    Longevity Force Cut 80I
    DIY CNC table for plasma/routing
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    ect, ect.

  15. Default

    I will try investigating this more tomorrow and comparing torches and what not, and will post results mid afternoon. Thanks again for help.

  16. #16


    Make sure your swirl ring is properly installed. You may need to look at the torch pinout. There are several positions that can be used for the wiring. Trafimet's stock pinout may need to be re done. Trafimet shows in their manuals how many different configurations are typically possible.

  17. Default

    Ok so I got a little anxious and decided to try using the hand held torch on the machine and using the cnc controls to turn the torch on and off and I'm glad that it worked. I was able to control the Hand torch through my computer however still no luck with machine torch. I took both torches apart to compare wiring and both looked the same. I also check the safety pins with an ohm meter to the end of the hose where the pins come out and am getting continuity on both pins on both the hand held torch and the machine torch so I'm kind of stumped, I took some pics of the torches apart if this helps Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.jpg 
Views:	1050 
Size:	145.8 KB 
ID:	10348

  18. Default

    Here the machine torchClick image for larger version. 

Name:	image.jpg 
Views:	867 
Size:	143.4 KB 
ID:	10350

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Have a look at this for a basic checkover of the torch.

    Be sure the electrode piston is free to move in your machine torch. That is required for an arc start.

    I believe if you had a problem with the safety system, you wouldn't get the air solenoid to fire.
    Last edited by Rambozo; 07-28-2013 at 05:20 AM.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  20. #20


    FYI: S series are blow back torches.

    OK finally got the ohm meter check. Next question n case I missed it with all the post here. Does it not work with both torches via the computer? Does is work with both torches and no computer?

    Swirl ring could do it too. Some have to be in a certain side up, not sure on the S75.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

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