hey all. ive been welding fr a while but am extremely new to tig. i just got a everlast 200dx with pure argon. having alot of trouble using filler material. im using 1/16 ceriated and usng 3/32 4043 filler rod. i think the filler material is to big? welding on 1/16 peice of aluminum with 55-65 amps. some times the weld turns out good, others its absoluely discusting. im keeping the tungsten close to the work peice. seems pretty consistent as well as the travel speed. ive watched like 1000 videos on this but im just not getting it. would really appreciate the help from a experienced welder. thanks guys.
also i know its probably from the aluminum getting hot but seems like im like blowing through it sometimes. or maybe i am raisng the tungsten up higher wih out realizing it.