Hello everyone. I have been watching this web site for several months now, trying to decide on the quality of
Everlast welders and if the welders that purchased these machines where please with what they got.
This web site shows about 99% of the buyers satisfied. The other many websites (forums and reviews) show
about 95% pleased with their purchase. That is a pretty good ratio in favor of Everlast welders.
I started welding when I was 19 yrs old and very soon this year I will be 60 :^). I'm just happy I made it this long!
I started out welding with the Pipefitters and ended up the past 35yrs welding as a Boilermaker. I plan on retiring in January of 2014 and decided that maybe I should have a welding machine at home for something to keep me busy.
So... today, as so many others have said, "I bit the bullet" and called Oleg and ordered a dx200 dual voltage machine.
Oleg was very helpful and gave me a very fair deal on what I ordered.
This is my 1st thread, but I just wanted to join in on this group, and to say thank you for all your post. Your input has helped me make my decision on Everlast Welders.
East Tn.