Hello to all,return here to expose some issues that I've met,I managed to buy a bottle of argon 10 liters and as expected I began testing the device at tig welding.From the beginning you have to remind that there are tig welder, welding and aluminum-rich yet so I know the settings and parameters;I tested the device with welding steel and stainless steel, it works great,but the only problem that I have met is to weld aluminium failing to adjust the device to get a welding as it should look - shiny and clean.I need some advice from those who may have met this problem' i have PowerTig 250EX 2013 and again I must remind you that I have watched all the movies posted on you tube and then http://www.weldingtipsandtricks.com -Jody if I remember the name right.
As i see things, the problems would be somewhere on here :
-argon of bad quality
-Tungsten does not form that little shiny ball and it got smoked black -i have pics
-Tungsten is used by me is the red one and here I have a question for me when I worked in Denmark( I worked for one year only tig aluminum-I hope you don't believe brag )I only used green and gray tungsten
-and last but do not want to understand me, nor can I understand-the welding machine is not good-very hard to believe because I watched the everlast and other forums and reviews before I decide to take this device and lam got the highest trust
Ask anyone's opinion as he sees fit to give me some advice, including those of the technical staff of everlast and belive me I tried and tried but it looks like the aluminum welding fail to set properly, the steel go super well.Anyway I'll attach some pics and I apologize for the quality of pictures and quality for my English written,JOHN !!!