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Thread: 6011 or 7018?

  1. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Disagree on the 6011. If you have DC, 6011 still runs better than 6010. No reason to run 6010 unless a specification calls for it. It's not an AC only rod. It's both, and always has been.
    6013 is often classified as medium penetration. It's a great fab rod, and great for GP welding.
    7024 will run horizontal.
    7018 is often required now for root pass welds, and many places have been replacing 6010 now for insurance reasons.

    are you saying 7018 is used to put a bead in pressure pipe?

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by txshockwave View Post
    are you saying 7018 is used to put a bead in pressure pipe?
    I believe that is what he is saying. Never seen it myself on any job. I have done it on static pressure pipe before and open drain pipe. Not anything for pressure or that needed a cert.
    Last edited by TheGary; 01-10-2014 at 03:12 PM.

  3. Default

    Well if thats the case I'll have to call bs. Id like to see someone put a bead in with 7018. Then lets x ray it lol. 6010 are used for the beads bc they penetrate. 7018 do not that is why they are fill and cap ONLY

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by txshockwave View Post
    Well if thats the case I'll have to call bs. Id like to see someone put a bead in with 7018. Then lets x ray it lol. 6010 are used for the beads bc they penetrate. 7018 do not that is why they are fill and cap ONLY
    !0 years ago I would have had the same reaction as you but the older I get the less I find that I know. I try to keep an open mind and realize that new ideas are being used all the time. I have never seen it or herd of it being used for open root but I hate to say it is not done because there is a lot that I do not know. I am old school when it comes to welding but I learned it in the 60's and 70's. I do know that welding equipment has changed big time and a lot of things that were considered not doable or not good practice has changed. I try to keep up with the changes but I would be the first to say I do not know everything about welding.
    Miller 302 gas drive
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  5. #25


    7018 is being used for open roots nowadays. some guys across the pond are experts at it....
    There's some pics over at the weldingtipsandtricks forum....
    If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done

  6. Default

    After a little investigating on the web. It seams that 7018 open root is needed for extreme cold temp operation that a weld will see. It seems that a 6010 root is only good down to -20 deg. where a 7018 root is used in welds that will see -50 deg temps while in service, like ship building. It seems that a 3/32 7018 is used for the root pass. I would have to practice quit a whil to pass that test . It is very hard to get consistent penetration with a 7018 on open root.
    Miller 302 gas drive
    millermatic 200 mig
    miller spoolmatic 3 spool gun with 100ft ext.
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    Miller 30A spool Gun
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    Linde CM 85 shape cutter

  7. #27


    I thought the main issue with wet 7018 was hydrogen embrittlement of the HAZ?

  8. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by txshockwave View Post
    Well if thats the case I'll have to call bs. Id like to see someone put a bead in with 7018. Then lets x ray it lol. 6010 are used for the beads bc they penetrate. 7018 do not that is why they are fill and cap ONLY
    They certify guys here locally every day doing it...about as high pressure as you can get: Rail car repair and rebuilding work. No 6010 allowed. Just google "7018 open root". The welding industry is so large that it's hard to keep tabs on all the changes and standards across the entire gamut. It's sort of like I've heard people say that they won't allow weave either...That may be true locally, but in other areas, its' fine, accepted, and expected.

  9. #29


    Well I have a lot of 6011 and 6010. Not going to pitch them for sure. But would have never thought of 7018 (just by instruction) for an open root. So I guess the rules are or have changed? But the 70 on the tensile strength say it's strong. I use them for fill and cap and little things (rare since most work is MIG now). But they do weld a lot nicer than 6010 and 11 (and even 13) so I can see why one would rather use them.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

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