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Thread: James from N Texas

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  1. Default James from N Texas

    I'm still more of a lurker at this point. I have a bit of experience with MIG, stick and oxy/acetylene. I'm watching for a good time to get a TIG machine to add to the group. This would be my first departure from Miller/Hobart. Currently I have a Miller 210, 130XL, Blue Star 6000, and Hobart StickMate XL (AC/DC).

    I want to get into TIG next. Whether I start with an AC/DC machine or DC, I'm still mulling over.

    I'll take the leap before long. Until then, I'll be lurking around the forums.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    Welcome, James! No need to lurk, jump right in if you like! Sounds like you've been around the block a few times, with all that gear- what kind of things are you working on?

    Just an idea- if you get a DC only machine and *really* like TIG then you may regret not getting an AC/DC machine right off the bat.

    Everlast has a contest going on right now, ending October 1. To qualify you need 100 new posts (and some other things) so it might be a stretch, although with most of August and all of September it's still do-able. Check it out, you may strike it rich!
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  3. Default

    I appreciate that. I might give the contest a whirl.

    The DC or AC/DC thing is something I'm arguring with myself about. I have the feeling I'll go the AC/DC route so I can ruin some aluminum.

    I have a little experience, I guess. Not as much as some, maybe a little more than others. The biggest thing I did was a 600 Sq Ft add-on to my shop, so a lot of stick welding purlin while standing in the bucket of a tractor. That, wrought iron fences, 3 point hook up devices for the tractor, and the obligatory trailer work, ramps, and so on. Other stuff includes some frame work on hotrods, and down to the little gadget type stuff.

    Hobbyist, really. That and just the things that need done around the place and some goofing around.

    I'm pretty interested in this line of welders. It seems like the people that don't like this brand are the ones that don't have one. I do NOT want to spend money on bad stuff, but I'm not sure I'd call myself a purist, either. I'm leaning toward adding some Green to the Blue.

    I am a little concerned about some of the more minor things I've read, like foot pedal issues out of the box and so on. It seems customer service is really good, but I don't want to get killed in shipping new stuff back and forth. So, I'll hang out and watch a bit.

    I'm sure I'll have one before long.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by jameslo View Post
    I appreciate that. I might give the contest a whirl.

    The DC or AC/DC thing is something I'm arguring with myself about. I have the feeling I'll go the AC/DC route so I can ruin some aluminum.

    I have a little experience, I guess. Not as much as some, maybe a little more than others. The biggest thing I did was a 600 Sq Ft add-on to my shop, so a lot of stick welding purlin while standing in the bucket of a tractor. That, wrought iron fences, 3 point hook up devices for the tractor, and the obligatory trailer work, ramps, and so on. Other stuff includes some frame work on hotrods, and down to the little gadget type stuff.

    Hobbyist, really. That and just the things that need done around the place and some goofing around.

    I'm pretty interested in this line of welders. It seems like the people that don't like this brand are the ones that don't have one. I do NOT want to spend money on bad stuff, but I'm not sure I'd call myself a purist, either. I'm leaning toward adding some Green to the Blue.

    I am a little concerned about some of the more minor things I've read, like foot pedal issues out of the box and so on. It seems customer service is really good, but I don't want to get killed in shipping new stuff back and forth. So, I'll hang out and watch a bit.

    I'm sure I'll have one before long.
    This forum is used for sharing information, projects, laughs AND support so you will see posts from people who have had problems but considering just how many welders Everlast sells, they really are quite a minority. It is a bit unfortunate that happy customers don't spend nearly as much time visiting forums and telling their story as those that have a problem ....

    Welcome to the forum and I hope you share with us some of your projects.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by jameslo View Post
    The biggest thing I did was a 600 Sq Ft add-on to my shop, so a lot of stick welding purlin while standing in the bucket of a tractor. That, wrought iron fences, 3 point hook up devices for the tractor, and the obligatory trailer work, ramps, and so on. Other stuff includes some frame work on hotrods, and down to the little gadget type stuff.
    Most of our TIG units will stick weld as well. So you can TIG in the shop or MMA outside the shop (or in and save some cash).
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  6. #6


    I whatever # agree on the AC/DC.. I didn't really find aluminum more difficult than the stainless so you may not ruin as much of it
    Everlast 255EXT - Perfection
    Everlast PowerPro 256 - UPS Demolished
    Everlast MTS200s
    12 Ton Shop Press
    DeWalt Hand Tools/ChopSaw

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by jameslo View Post
    I'm still more of a lurker at this point. I have a bit of experience with MIG, stick and oxy/acetylene. I'm watching for a good time to get a TIG machine to add to the group. This would be my first departure from Miller/Hobart. Currently I have a Miller 210, 130XL, Blue Star 6000, and Hobart StickMate XL (AC/DC).

    I want to get into TIG next. Whether I start with an AC/DC machine or DC, I'm still mulling over.

    I'll take the leap before long. Until then, I'll be lurking around the forums.
    Welcome to the forum. I would go for the AC/DC (aluminum and steel) all at one shot. But that is just me.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  8. #8


    Big welcome James ~~~~~~~

    This is a very friendly and supportive group here. Looking forward to hearing more about your projects.

    imig 200
    PowerTig 210 EXT

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