So I needed a proper shop desk that could be moved around for cleaning and whatnot. I am using this computer on my CNC Mill, well once I get it converted. I had this computer just sitting by the mill however it was getting covered with shrapnel and figured it was time for a proper desk and I didn't feel like working on any other projects this past Man-cation weekend. I had a bunch of 1" square tube that I picked up from a school that was excess from a project. It is .120 wall or 1/8" thick. I originally just made it a square roller cart but I looked at it and said, you can do better than that! I remembered I had 1" square dies for my roller so I decided to roll some out. I welded them in, then cut out the straight pieces in the front to give it a nicer look. It has plenty of support as I put all my weight on the front of it and it did not flex, so no additional re-enforcement was needed. I had a bunch of sheetmetal left over, so I cut and welded that in as two seperate sheets instead of one piece. My thought there was I was going to drill and dimple die holes(can only fit 19" in the press and these sheets are 24") to add some flair and re-enforcement, but it wasn't necessary. I still may add some side skirts and dimple die it for flair...I left it raw and flapped disc'd it to give it a more industrial look and also in case I want to add a drawer or something later I won't need to grind off the paint.
here is the first pass in the roller. It took some effort but I like the workout.
2nd pass:
3rd pass and it is all I need:
after I welded them in and cut out the straight front supports.
after I welded in center supports and added sheet metal:
PC added