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Thread: PP50 CNC port on the rear? told NOT TOO USE!

  1. Default PP50 CNC port on the rear? told NOT TOO USE!

    Hi everyone,
    Is there anyone who has sucessfully used the pin out on the rear of the 2013 Power Plasma 50. simply not much is out there. Trying to connect to a Bladerunner setup and I'm instructed to install the CandCNC RAD card inside to develop the required signals. Yet they should simply be on the connector of the unit. Why - From some support engagement I have information below which needs someone to review and prove or disprove to remove the FUD about these units. If Everlast wants to run w/ the big dogs then it needs to simply plug and go. And I'm really hoping it will.
    Please let me know what you may know.

    From support:
    The problem is the ratio of the divided volts says 16:1 and 50:1 and it may or may not be exactly that. Also the ok to move and start stop signals have voltage on them which burns things out on the DTHCII card and the PWM. So, you need to use the RAV card for the the divided volts and the torch start. Did you get the DCP-01 as well? If so, thats where you will get the arc ok signal.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Some units expect dry contacts while others need signalling voltage. Unfortunately there is not a good standard for these things, yet. Also as you found out the divided voltage ratios may not be what you need. While many people have been able to interface an Everlast to a THC, it is a lot easier for the manufacturers to just pick one card to support. If you are willing to roll your own, you can probably use the rear CNC port signals, but if you want plug and play, you might have to just install the board mentioned. One thing that seems to be an issue is that the OK to move signal is often not as reliable as just setting a timed dwell. You can find a lot more info on CNCzone. You can check 5 brands of CNC and find 5 sets of standards, same with the plasma units. Someday there might be a universal standard, but don't hold your breath.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by countryguy View Post
    Hi everyone,
    Is there anyone who has sucessfully used the pin out on the rear of the 2013 Power Plasma 50. simply not much is out there. Trying to connect to a Bladerunner setup and I'm instructed to install the CandCNC RAD card inside to develop the required signals. Yet they should simply be on the connector of the unit. Why - From some support engagement I have information below which needs someone to review and prove or disprove to remove the FUD about these units. If Everlast wants to run w/ the big dogs then it needs to simply plug and go. And I'm really hoping it will.
    Please let me know what you may know.

    From support:
    The problem is the ratio of the divided volts says 16:1 and 50:1 and it may or may not be exactly that. Also the ok to move and start stop signals have voltage on them which burns things out on the DTHCII card and the PWM. So, you need to use the RAV card for the the divided volts and the torch start. Did you get the DCP-01 as well? If so, thats where you will get the arc ok signal.

    you have WRONG INFO , please email Ray for correct info
    Oleg Gladshteyn
    Phone: 650 588 8082 / 877 755 WELD
    Cell: 415 613 6664 ONLY IF YOU REALLY NEED IT

  4. Default UPDATE_ CandCNC w/ PP50 and CNC port working.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oleg View Post

    you have WRONG INFO , please email Ray for correct info
    Thanks Oleg. I did email Ray w/ my updates and issues. we spoke. I did built my own CNC cable to interface and it works fine. I sent Ray that info. My only issue now is cut data for materials. Do you have any? I'm making a lot of holes and lines to get the parms needed for good quality cuts. At least data as a starting point? Being new- I'm jsut testing parms and making good progress.
    AS AN ASIDE- you should send CandCNC a powerPlasma demo unit. Luke of their Tech Supp would welcome it. They are not overly Everlast friendly in CandCNC. To install their RAV-01 card voids your warranty. And to use the CNC connector outside of a "hypertherm" seems to voids theirs. It was a catch 22 of sorts - All because they had a very bad experience w/ one of your units several years back. IT was a HF start combo unit. Consider it please. Save someone else the effort of all I went thru. Just my opinion Oleg.
    JJ / aka CountryGuy.

  5. #5


    countryguy, it would likely help others if you post up what has worked for you, including all of the components and all of the settings you ended up using to get it to work well.
    Last edited by zoama; 09-27-2013 at 09:13 PM. Reason: typo
    Everlast 200DX
    Everlast PT185
    Shoptask 3-in-1 (not currently in my garage, but I own it...)

    Any day on a motorcycle like this that ends just needing parts and labor is a good day.
    4.82, 158.67mph 1/8th mile 7.350, 200.35mph 1/4 mile

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