this is the beginning of a restrictor-style airbox on this early 80's VW golf, running in the GT-L class. rules require a 25MM inlet restriction. have a 2x2x1" plate with a 40MM opening radiusing (new word?) to 25MM, which will be top-mounted on this box after i weld uup a top and tabs to mount it to the box. car is fueled with a pair of mikuni solex carbs. this is a faast bitch as well. cammed, light.. very nasty car. built by kamei and raced thru the 80's, imported from the UK to the US (california) wher eit was races more.. then it sorta fell off the map. lots of history with this car.. vert proud to have my own work in this thing.

more pics later as it's not quite done. unsure of the mystery metals used. scraps of aluminum.. thats all i know. 4043 rod, 100% argon, 2% thoriated, flow @ about 15CFM, AAC @ about 128.