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Thread: Arc Starts

  1. Default Arc Starts

    K.. Been using My Power Pro 256 with great success over the past Year...
    However, today I started getting some inconsistant arc starts ( hight frq)????

    anyone know where to look for solution??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by ArcRay View Post
    K.. Been using My Power Pro 256 with great success over the past Year...
    However, today I started getting some inconsistant arc starts ( hight frq)????

    anyone know where to look for solution??
    Perhaps the first thing to check is your point gap.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  3. #3


    Checking your ground would be a good place to start...
    Some of those lies people tell about me, are true

  4. Default

    Poor arc start or none at all?
    I have randomly experienced an issue where I will stop welding, try to restart and get nothing, not even HF. A quick touch of the tungsten to the work (off the pedal) and the next try will start normally. Don't know if this is common or if I have a problem too...

  5. #5


    Any changes to your shielding gas?
    If the gas changes or has inconsistent flow, it can change the way the HF starts.
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