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Thread: Powerarc 200 - wow neat welder

  1. #1

    Default Powerarc 200 - wow neat welder

    Just got my new powerarc 200 from Duncan, ran a couple of 1/8 inch rod beads, what difference from my old buzz box, a monkey could run this powerarc 200 and get great welds out of it, easy to strike and maintain an arc burns 6011 rod like it was made for it. This thing is probably the best buy everlast has. Small and compact weighs about 22 lbs an is not much bigger than a large toaster. and to think I put up with my old buzz box for 30 years,
    Any kid can run this welder.

  2. #2



    Secretly, this is my favorite too...just don't tell any

    But honestly, this machine was made with special 6010/6011 rods with the 6010 port. Its not as much of a challenge anymore is it? Smooth quiet and light weight it burns all day long rod after rod. I ran through about 15 lbs of rods in a few hours recently using it with several different rods, including 6010 5p, 6011, 6013, and 7018. Arc control is great with the adaptive arc force control and hot start.

    Get a gas valve torch at the local welding supplier and you'll have a cheap tig as well.

  3. #3


    I haven't tried the special port yet, I cannot imagine it improving the arc any more than it already has, this thing has a very smooth arc, easy strike and start. This is a great welder for any young fellow wanting to learn or improve his welding skills. I'm very happy with the performance of it. If I go Tig I will be going 250 EX, I watched Jody's vid's too many times not to go that way.

  4. #4


    Be sure to put the "work" clamp (ground clamp) in the 6010 hole, not the electrode side..Keep electrode side in the + side.

  5. Default

    Glad your enjoying it.
    I have been looking at some torches the last Couple of days that may be compatible with the unit.
    Very nice Quality and i am very impressed with the Factory that produces these.
    I was there on Sunday ( they ran production so i could check out everything )
    For the next week i am at our Factory checking up on things

    905 637 1637

  6. #6

    Default Over there

    Duncan, don't forget to check out the great wall. The welder is a gem, very compact and powerful. It sure is nice to exactly dial in the amps and the adaptive arc force is there making it a nice arc. Truely a major jump up from the old large transformer buzz box I used for many years. I never had a welder I could carry in one hand before. I have car batteries that weigh more than that.

  7. Default

    They are having one of there Sand storms around Beijing right now and i am further south but still getting hit by it.
    Weather is nasty and kind of wish i had stayed in the South of China in the Sun and warm

    905 637 1637

  8. #8


    The 250 ex welds really nice with all the controls . for the heck of it tryed just the stick welder on it ,,makes alot of the name brand us welders look like crap. welded a couple pieces of plate steel 1/4 thick on dc and welded better than my hi priced usa welder and the arc was realy stable . for the price you cant beat the 250 ex

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Rodsmachineshop View Post
    The 250 ex welds really nice with all the controls . for the heck of it tryed just the stick welder on it ,,makes alot of the name brand us welders look like crap. welded a couple pieces of plate steel 1/4 thick on dc and welded better than my hi priced usa welder and the arc was realy stable . for the price you cant beat the 250 ex
    Yep once you checkout prices on other names like Invertec etc, you know you bought smart. If I was to get into tig welding the 250 EX would be my choice, the visible knob settings are a big feature, you can tell at a glance what you have for the settings, integrated lcd screens with magic menu's suck, who can remember what screen to pull up, same thing goes for welding helmets I won't buy a helmet with a screen that has to be removed from your head to adjust..some manufacturers outsmart themselves with too much fancy stuff an no real hands on experience...if they had to use it everyday the designers would be making changes...the only complaint I have with having a knob on the outside of my welding helmet is I'm left handed and having it on the otherside would help.

  10. #10


    knobs are the only way to go . so much better , Have to say the everlast people sure take care of you and sure stand behind there welders.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Rodsmachineshop View Post
    knobs are the only way to go . so much better , Have to say the everlast people sure take care of you and sure stand behind there welders.
    Yes they do, I have bought three different units from them, Imig 205, PP 50, and Powerarc 200, had some issues on the imig (bad resistor), they replaced the unit, no arguements, got a new imig 205 and it works just fine. These guys are trying to make a name for themselves and their products and I think they are doing well at that, You cannot beat the price, quality or the service, if I was younger I would be trying for a dealership, these guys are going places and a smart person would position himself to go along with them.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Be sure to put the "work" clamp (ground clamp) in the 6010 hole, not the electrode side..Keep electrode side in the + side.
    i was wondering why i could not strike a arc for #### now i know to put the ground there should have included that in the manual make a note of that guys

  13. #13


    Its in the online video.

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