Hi Everlast,
I had ordered a 160 STH earlier this week, through Amazon, and received package yesterday. I opened the box and read the letter that was on top of the packaging. The letter explained that Everlast was out of stock of the MultiPro 205 and that they upgraded me to a SuperUltra 205. So, I thought well maybe they meant they were out of the 160 STH and this is the only "form" letter they have.
I contacted Everlast yesterday and explained the situation. The Lady I talked to said it was ok as long as I have the letter, mentioned above.
I am concerned because the SuperUltra 205 is the older MOSFET Technology. It appears that I should be concerned based on a post that Performance posted on 9-03-2013 referring to MOSFET Units as cheap. I am not happy that I am having to go through this trouble. I have tried the SuperUltra 205 and it is a very nice machine, but I am concerned that it won't last and will be troubled again in the future of having to ship it back for repair.
Is the SuperUltra a MOSFET Unit? What are my options?
Thank you,