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Thread: SuperCut 50

  1. Default SuperCut 50

    It will work fine then I stop cutting for 10 min. Then I get none thing it only blows air out what's up with it.

  2. Default

    I found my Electrode lose could that make it not arc

  3. #3


    some torches have a safty built in, if you have a brass ring on the torch cover that is what its for. If the tip is loose it will not fire. There are clearances inside the torch the need to be held, if not you will burn the consumables.

    Everlast PM256
    Millermatic 180
    Hypertherm PowerMax 65 with machine torch
    Longevity Force Cut 80I
    DIY CNC table for plasma/routing
    13" metal lathe
    Small Mill
    ect, ect.

  4. Default

    Now it does none thing no arc no none thing but air.Were do you take these machine for warranty work.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by 1960plumber View Post
    Now it does none thing no arc no none thing but air.Were do you take these machine for warranty work.
    I had a resister blown on my board that caused the same problem. fixed the resister and the machine works fine.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by 1960plumber View Post
    Now it does none thing no arc no none thing but air.Were do you take these machine for warranty work.
    If you think you need warranty work, you should call in to Everlast's main number and ask for tech support. They will walk you through some troubleshooting steps that may get you sorted out, and if they can't sort it out, they'll issue you an RMA for a return. The warranty work is performed by shipping the machine back to Everlast. I don't think there are any local service centers or anything like that.

    Note: I'm not an Everlast rep. Just trying to be helpful.

  7. Default

    Thank you both for your answer I have called tech support and i'm waiting now for them to call me.

  8. Default

    When you send something in for warranty work when will they e-mail you to tell you what's up.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by 1960plumber View Post
    When you send something in for warranty work when will they e-mail you to tell you what's up.
    It will be repaired and sent back. If you want to check the status, you can email or call the toll free number on the website (877.755.9353) and ask for ext 202 or 207.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by everlastsupport View Post
    It will be repaired and sent back. If you want to check the status, you can email or call the toll free number on the website (877.755.9353) and ask for ext 202 or 207.
    Thank you !

  11. Default

    WOW Just talk to them and they told me they couldn't fix it they would be shipping me a new one out wednesday. That was to easy Thanks everlast

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