I have been in the market for a Tig welder and started looking around the net for something at a reasonable price. I just can't justify $3500 for a Miller. That is nuts for something the size of a 18pack of beer. Kept seeing this Everlast name pop up so I dug a little deeper. From what I have read elsewhere , the good and the bad, bad being the na Sayers mostly because of the color. I am one of those guys the realize a good majority of stuff is made over seas. There is good stuff and there is junk. There is also good stuff that is painted a different color and jacked up in price also. Found that crap out when I bought my lathe and milling machines.
Any way I am a self taught person, I have no one around to teach me anything on these tools I buy. Always wanted a Lathe and milling machine so eventually I bought a 12x36" lathe and a 2hp mill. Threw the chinglish manual away because it didn't make any sense and proceeded to figure it out. Long story short and a few crashes latter I will never be without one again. Same thing with a welder, I taught myself how to weld. Bought a Lincoln mig pac 10 when they first came out about 15-20 yrs ago, loved that little buzz box but soon found myself needing more juice. After 10 yrs of use I sold it to a friend and bought a used Acklands Classic (miller 210 basically) and I never did get to like that machine , always thought it was not as usable as the small welder I had , but I needed something bigger at the time working on trailers. Now things have changed again and I think a new small welder is what I will be going back to.
Then the Tig issue always pops into my head. More so for aluminum projects and it was always the cost of having a second gas contract plus the over priced tig welders is what kept me from buying one. Now I am more into fixing snowmobiles and more and more a Tig would be really handy. Now comes the process of picking one out.
What do some of you guys recommend. I work mainly on snowmobiles and small trailers but I will be advertising that I do have a lathe and milling machine so I hope to pick up some extra work for those tools and even the welders. I don't know how many times I needed something tig welded and not have access to one or not be able to get the item to a shop that had one or what the welding shops were going to charge to do the little welds that were needed always seemed to cause issues. I know there are guys out there like me that would gladly pay $25 for a weld fix over $100 per hr shop rates at welding shops.
So what I am looking at is a Tig that can weld all metals. 110/220v not a problem , I have both in the shop. I have always liked to have welders with digital readouts on them, but they were always out of my price range until now. I have been looking at the Tig 200D or DX and also the Mig 205 I think or is it the 200. I could use the smaller 140v mig but no digital readout. Never tig welded before so I have to teach myself. Is there one that is better to learn on but still not something I will be looking at in a yrs time and want something bigger. Defiantly want a foot peddle model. What am I going to need for consumables , tig rods, etc.
Biggest complaint I read is the size of the Tig torch, is there a smaller one that would be better. I know I will be in some tight places and not really sure how big or small some of these torches are.