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Thread: Power Plasma 60, 60S, 60C?

  1. #1

    Default Power Plasma 60, 60S, 60C?

    Anyone have detailed differences between these 3 models? On the website it has a comparo of the 60 and 60C but none of the "60S" model.
    PowerTig 225LX
    PowerCool W300
    PowerPlasma 60S
    Miller 140 MIG

  2. #2


    The 60 is now the 60s.

  3. #3


    So no change other than aesthetics and standard torch?
    PowerTig 225LX
    PowerCool W300
    PowerPlasma 60S
    Miller 140 MIG

  4. #4


    There few changes

    Pp60 still available online from amazon
    That unit comes with Panasonic p80 torch
    Pp60 also came with trafamet a81 torch as well.

    Pp60c is for Cnc applications

    Pp60s is new blow back start unit with new s75 torch and new look

    Oleg Gladshteyn
    415 613 6664 cell
    Oleg Gladshteyn
    Phone: 650 588 8082 / 877 755 WELD
    Cell: 415 613 6664 ONLY IF YOU REALLY NEED IT

  5. #5


    Does the 60S have any CNC capability?
    PowerTig 225LX
    PowerCool W300
    PowerPlasma 60S
    Miller 140 MIG

  6. #6


    Yes, but you don't get the CNC torch, or the inductor start which is faster, and less delay.

  7. #7


    DOes the 60S come with the electrical plug pre-installed now?
    PowerTig 225LX
    PowerCool W300
    PowerPlasma 60S
    Miller 140 MIG

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Zoomie View Post
    DOes the 60S come with the electrical plug pre-installed now?
    Yes, it does Zoomie
    Oleg Gladshteyn
    Phone: 650 588 8082 / 877 755 WELD
    Cell: 415 613 6664 ONLY IF YOU REALLY NEED IT

  9. #9


    It also has a cnc port in the back with basic signals. We have a pin out of it as a sticky I think under the plasma. If not, you can download the manual and its in there.

  10. #10


    An NEMA 6-50.
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  11. #11


    Awesome! Thanks guys!
    PowerTig 225LX
    PowerCool W300
    PowerPlasma 60S
    Miller 140 MIG

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