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Thread: PowerMaster 226 and 256?

  1. Default PowerMaster 226 and 256?

    I have emailed Everlast 2 weeks ago with no response so I thought I'll try asking here. What is the difference between the PowerMaster 226 and 256? They come with a water cooled torch. Do I need to run water through it or can I use as a conventional torch? Thanks.

  2. #2



    Sorry for not answering, we have had a flood of emails lately.

    The 226 is available for special order only right now. Its an older unit with less features and does not have an "off" button for the pulse or many of the slope and gas flow features. Nor does it use the "modules". Its not a bad unit but it isn't what the 256 is.

  3. Default

    What about the water cooled torch?

  4. #4


    Keep in mind, special order is 4-6 weeks delivery, possibly sooner.

    But no, the 226 doesn't come with a water cooled torch to the best of my recollection.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Keep in mind, special order is 4-6 weeks delivery, possibly sooner.

    But no, the 226 doesn't come with a water cooled torch to the best of my recollection.
    Under standard equipment it says both 226 and 256 comes with water cooled torch. Anyways I want the latest 256. Does the water cooled torch have to have water or can it be used with no water intermittently?

  6. Default

    I have been taking welding courses for the last couple of years now and all we use is watercooled torches.

    The answer to your question is no. You can't use a water cooled torch like an air cooled torch. I am not 100% sure but pretty close. I know every time we have a leak in the hose or the water cooler is not turned on the torches overheat very fast. I would not suggest using a water cooled one like it was an air cooled one.

    If you have any questions for me you can PM me or just post them here.


  7. #7


    The answer to your question is Yes. With some limits. You'll need to stay under about 150 amps with very limited duty cycle. Less than 100 will offer extended use. You can notice how hot the torch gets. Or if you don't wish to purchase the water cooler you can rig you a home made cooler with the water faucet. Some where I posted how to do it...if I could find it...check out the site maybe you can.

  8. Default

    Just seems like a hassle for the amount of welding I will do. I want it mostly for steel but want to do alum also. Is there a way to convert to air cooled for smaller jobs?

  9. #9


    According to what you are telling me, you need a PM 205. It comes with an air cooled torch designed for 200 amps of welding and has cost savings. 200 amps is plenty to handle most jobs, especially if you are looking for one to save on the cost.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by 2rods View Post
    Just seems like a hassle for the amount of welding I will do. I want it mostly for steel but want to do alum also. Is there a way to convert to air cooled for smaller jobs?
    You do not need to turn on the water cooler and it will function as an air cooled torch and work fine. I would stay in the 130amp or less range though.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  11. Default

    Thanks for the help guys. Money isn't the problem, it's only a few hundred more. I don't want to buy something that is not heavy enough if I ever need it. I've had this problem before and don't want to go there again. Also found that a lot of factory specs are a little overrated in the real world so going big just guarantees me a good rating. I'll make my own cooler as it's pretty easy and from the research Ive done you pretty well need it for aluminum.

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