Hey, Gary- this may be old news to you, but just in case, this link is to a filler rod feeding technique over at Welding Tips and Tricks.com:
Lots of good information over there, too~
Hey, Gary- this may be old news to you, but just in case, this link is to a filler rod feeding technique over at Welding Tips and Tricks.com:
Lots of good information over there, too~
Oxweld oxy acet gear
IMIG 200
PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!
Thanks Dave, And yes, I have probably seen the video you linked to and have watched many of Jody's videos, (more than once) I guess thats whats so depressing, I watch them and he makes it look so damn easy, and it should be really, but I just cant make my hands do it... uggghhhh... Anyway, this is just like anything else new, one day I will not understand how I could have found it so difficult, but it just takes practice I guess, to train my hands to do what my mind is telling it.... or worse, I just go blank the second I hit the foot peddel... I dont know... But I have been here before and it always comes around......
Anyway, I need to shut up, and get past this phase and start asking the more technical questions of you guys..... Oh and here's one, for 44OC SS do you know of, what and were can I find a filler rod that is best suited for 44OC Stainless applications I just havent seen anything thats billed to be used with martensitic 400 series steels? Any Ideas..
Gary H. - RO635 - Charleston, SC
I make stuff and drink lots of Coffee.
Depending on what you are looking to do there are several fillers that will work.
All require a preheat to 250°C and anneal, afterwards.
For a more ductile weld use 309 or 310 filler. For something that will be hardened, use 420 filler. It will harden but not as much as the 440c.
Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!
Thanks... Yes I figured it would be rather involved, exact pre heat and anneal is not too much of a problem as I do have a decent heat treat oven, and I kind of expected as much... And i am even considered welding in a purged environment... I need to do some research it sounds like. I knew about the availability of the 309 filler and other 300 series rods,but hadnt seen the 420 rod, and yes I will have instances in which the weld area is more cosmetic, where corrosion resistance is more of the concern but in those cases the 309 will probably fly, however some will be heat treated but not welded on critically hardened areas, but dealing with stress risers and other potential problems are going to be fun to figure out just what I can get away with without getting into trouble.... Oh well thanks again, I am a little ways away from really needing to pull that rabbit out of the hat, but i have some design ideas that will require it and it was just on my mind and thought I would ask...
Gary H. - RO635 - Charleston, SC
I make stuff and drink lots of Coffee.
Hi there fellow Charlestonian! We should get together and compare notes.
Welcome to the site
Bob Roberts
Hi Bob,
Nice to hear from you, FYI, I am downtown just above Hampton park/Citadel area… What part of town are you in? I am set up mainly for hobby work as a mini machine shop for tooling, knife, gunsmithing and jewlery type work... no space for anything large sadly...
Anyway, I have been meaning to post an update to let everyone know that this replacement 205 has been very stable and I have been having a blast with it, when I can find the time… Have gotten over my whiney phase ;-) and now just plowing along…Havent taken many pictures really but have made a few changes to the shop in the process and have done a lot of little odds and ends welding and practicing, here are two little projects, a little adjustable welding fixture stand of sorts out of SCH 40 pipe (coping practice really) and scrap and a 6061 work rest for a 2x72 belt grinder still in processs, the rest itself is actually made from two pieces of 6061 ½”x2” , double v groove welded then quickly milled.. the tubing is welded and the rest will get welded out once I get my geometry the way I want it… its down and dirty,,,
Have done a bunch of other crap, tested everything and had a great time stick welding after all these years as well, that has been great fun…. And The plasma is just plain awesome, but the AC/DC tig is the friggin the bomb as they say!!!!
Oh well, take care and thanks to everyone for all the support will post more when I actually have time and something good to report..
Simple Fixture stand
6061 work rest for belt grinder
Gary H. - RO635 - Charleston, SC
I make stuff and drink lots of Coffee.