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Thread: probs setting up my 230ex

  1. Default probs setting up my 230ex

    Hi guys pretty new to tig welding, im getting ok welds but having trouble starting the arc, what should I have the machine set on? I'm having to strike the tip like a arc welder to get it going, this right?? I sound so dumb I know.
    I have been welding around 150 amps. Hope thats enough info for trouble shooting. Also some times the torch button stops working, I'll turn off the machine back on and its all good again??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Make sure you have HF turned on. Then the arc should self start. Also make sure your preflow is set pretty low like from 0 to half a second or so. Post flow can be in the 5 to 10 second range. The settings vary depending on the material you are welding. Initially, set start and end amps to 0. Start with DC on steel before moving on to AC and aluminum. Using the foot pedal will allow you to make changes as you weld and will help you learn what fixed settings you will need to use the torch switch.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  3. Default

    Cheers Rambozo, I'll give that a try, got a feeling those not set right, also I wasnt using the foot pedal only the torch button.

  4. Default

    All good, was the HF switch not being on!! OMG so much better than mig welding!!

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