Monday came home from work to a PowerUltra 205 sitting next to my garage door. Doesn't UPS require signatures anymore? I don’t trust my neighbors
Anyways. The welder arrived in pristine condition, hooked it all up and plugged it in and powered it on. Because it has been around 10 degrees I haven't done much testing but was able to burn a few rods and cut a couple pieces of scrap. Compared to the multipro 205, I could immediately tell the PU could cut much thicker at lower amps with a cleaner cut (might just be the nicer/better s45 style torch?)
So far I am happy with the new machine but I had a few questions.
When I power the unit on, the fan is very loud which is fine. But while on TIG or ARC mode the unit will make a high pitch sound no matter what the amp setting is but when on CUT it doesn’t make that noise at all. Should I be concerned?
The tig torch that I received with the PU 205 is not the same as what is depicted on the website. The model number on the side says SR-26? with a large on/off button zip tied to the handle and black electrical tape holding the wires down. Is this normal?