So I've been doing a lot of 1/4" 6061 Alum lately with my PP256. Sometimes it seems like, at a joint I've been doing repetitively, I'm just not getting the heat I need. The same heat I had before (it seems like that maybe, but I'm not sure). I slow down, work both sides, do a better job of preheating before I start but, I get by....

Today a buddy of mine stopped by and I said to him [i]"Tell me what happens to the Amp Display as I weld". I was surprised to hear him say 154, 177, 191, and the like with the pedal floored. The Amp knob is all the way up, the display says 256 (sometimes 255/254), and during the post purge 24.

I'm using the pedal, a CK 250A WC torch, and the ground clamp is directly on the assembled piece, and the machine connections to both the Ground/Torch are tight.

As I said, I only notice it now and then, I'm not sure what the display was reading at those other times. I think it doesn't happen when I first start welding for the day (at least I know I've finished for the day and thought "Didn't feel like it had the balls it should have on those last few welds, I hope nothings wrong,,," and then the next time I start welding I'm reassured because it does just fine).

Shouldn't the display be reading 250A if the pedals all the way down as I weld????