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Thread: 200dx ... It's Alive!!

  1. Default 200dx ... It's Alive!!

    I ordered a 200dx (dual voltage) from Oleg last month and it's been sitting around waiting for its owner to accrue all the necessary goodness to get it up and going. (Bottle, power, bla bla). A small victory today. Rigged up my 10-30 to 6-50 adapter and flipped the switch for the first time. Almost shed a tear lol. Just waiting on a 6-50 plug from Amazon for my extension cord and I'm off and welding. Below in all it's awesomeness...

    Will probably not get much work with it until after the new year, but will definitely post some sort of review when I do. Didn't see a whole lot of good info out there, so hopefully it will be helpful to someone. Thanks again Oleg.

  2. #2


    Congrats on the new toy,,,you look happy and so does that cute little helper,,,
    Some of those lies people tell about me, are true

  3. #3


    Where are you located? You can add that to your profile. Are you planning to rent or buy the bottle? Shop around, we hear a lot of areas have majors differences in price. Keep us posted on the progress. Also, enjoy the helper while you have them, they eventually grow up
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  4. Default

    Picked up a 125 from praxair. They were way cheaper than airgas. Also picked up a ck 17 with the flex head and the us foot pedal. Will update my profile. I'm in Vegas.

    Also, didn't realize the photo of my daughter was so bad lol. Looks like she's high or has a condition or something.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Glassbeaver View Post
    Picked up a 125 from praxair. They were way cheaper than airgas. Also picked up a ck 17 with the flex head and the us foot pedal. Will update my profile. I'm in Vegas.

    Also, didn't realize the photo of my daughter was so bad lol. Looks like she's high or has a condition or something.
    She looks fine. Almost every picture of me I am starting to blink. hahaha..

    What did the flex run you. Just the torch right??
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  6. Default

    150 for the torch with a 25' superflex hose, the dinse adapter, and a few odds and ends (back caps and such) from weldfabulous. Didn't know everlast sold them when I bought them.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Glassbeaver View Post
    150 for the torch with a 25' superflex hose, the dinse adapter, and a few odds and ends (back caps and such) from weldfabulous. Didn't know everlast sold them when I bought them.
    We started selling CK not to long ago. You will love the torch (more so the hose). Looks like you are off to a good start. Maybe post up some part numbers if you get time for others. That's a good combo.

    Sounds like you are ready to get welding. Post if you have any problems. What is the first project? What type work do you plan on using it for (repairs, etc)?
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Canada, Suttonwest, Ontario


    Quote Originally Posted by everlastsupport View Post
    We started selling CK not to long ago. You will love the torch (more so the hose). Looks like you are off to a good start. Maybe post up some part numbers if you get time for others. That's a good combo.

    Sounds like you are ready to get welding. Post if you have any problems. What is the first project? What type work do you plan on using it for (repairs, etc)?
    Is Everlast going to put CK on the New web site?
    Everlast PowerTig 325EXT (Canada)
    Everlast Power I Mig 250 (Canada)
    Everlast PowerPlasma 80S (Canada)
    Everlast PowerCool W300 (Canada)
    Everlast PowerMTS 250S Fitted with a 30A Spoolgun(Canada)
    Miller Dynasty 400 wireless(Canada)
    Millermatic 252 plus 30A Spoolgun(Canada)

  9. #9


    Yes, in the US, but that's a work in progress. We'll put some packages up first, later we'll put up some individual stuff.

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by everlastsupport View Post
    We started selling CK not to long ago. You will love the torch (more so the hose). Looks like you are off to a good start. Maybe post up some part numbers if you get time for others. That's a good combo.

    Sounds like you are ready to get welding. Post if you have any problems. What is the first project? What type work do you plan on using it for (repairs, etc)?
    Will post the part numbers on my days off for sure. Took a bit of putting around to find the info I needed, so I'm sure it will help someone out. As far as first project, it will definitely be a welding cart. Using a HF cart jn the interim and the machine is way to big for it lol. Then planning on a cerakote/powder coat oven.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Glassbeaver View Post
    Will post the part numbers on my days off for sure. Took a bit of putting around to find the info I needed, so I'm sure it will help someone out. As far as first project, it will definitely be a welding cart. Using a HF cart jn the interim and the machine is way to big for it lol. Then planning on a cerakote/powder coat oven.
    Keep us post on the oven. I have an old old metal frig I keep thinking about converting. Just never make it that far. Maybe if I find an old electric stove soon that will get me going. If you buy a cart, ours are pretty well built. But, hey, you have a welders so get some steel (or aluminum; overkill unless sitting around)..
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  12. Default

    A little more progress this morning. Got my torch assembled and built my extension cord. Used a 10 gauge harbor freight extension. Just need to free up some funds for some steel and I'm off and running.

  13. Default 200dx ... It's Alive!!

    And the torch. You should be able to see part numbers and prices in the pics.

    Last edited by Glassbeaver; 12-28-2013 at 08:48 PM.

  14. Default

    The US low profile foot pedal from SSC ordered through Everlast. There are zero pics available so I figured someone would find this useful as it was driving me crazy. (Hard to drop 150 plus shipping when you don't even have a pic to look at). Will update with better pics when I take them.

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