Hi folks...
I started this quest about a month ago and you were all very helpful. I am in the final decision making process at this time and would like you to give me the benefit of your knowledge...
1) I need an AC/DC machine for aluminum. I also have the opportunity to work locally on some fairly heavy Al plate if I accept the ongoing commissions. So, I am looking at the 250EX or the 255EXT. I think I know the differences and the advantages of each. I would like to have the multi waveforms of the 255 but I prefer the knobs and buttons of the 250 rather than the "one knob does all.." approach that is menu driven as used by the 255.
2) I would seriously like to have a Plasma cutter....I also don't really want to spend $700-1000 to get one. I can probably get by without one, but it would make things a lot nicer.
3) I am considering the PP256 as sort of a "trade-off" between the heavy circuitry of a 250 amp machine and not having a plasma cutter versus a machine with a lesser duty cycle (I assume..??) and a 60 amp plasma cutter included.
So, I guess I would like to know your thoughts on the advisability of that trade-off......As part of the discussion, I already have a ThermalArc DC machine that is quite capable (200 amps..) but without AC aluminum capability. I also have an Oxy/Acetylene setup that I know how to use fairly well and a buzz box that is a few years old. So, if the multi-process machine went down, I would still have some capability although not for aluminum.
I am particularly interested in knowing what if any improvements or enhancements have been made to the PP256 over the past couple of years. I have read most if not all of the stuff on the forum about the PP256, but I notice most of it goes back to 2010 at least....Does anyone know anything about the features on the current model?? What about reliability?? I continue to read about an updated web presence for Everlast, but I notice most of the product information is still quite old...???? Any information you have is welcome.
Thanks for the help!![]()