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Thread: Information Please---PP256 vs. 250 EX

  1. Default Information Please---PP256 vs. 250 EX

    Hi folks...

    I started this quest about a month ago and you were all very helpful. I am in the final decision making process at this time and would like you to give me the benefit of your knowledge...

    1) I need an AC/DC machine for aluminum. I also have the opportunity to work locally on some fairly heavy Al plate if I accept the ongoing commissions. So, I am looking at the 250EX or the 255EXT. I think I know the differences and the advantages of each. I would like to have the multi waveforms of the 255 but I prefer the knobs and buttons of the 250 rather than the "one knob does all.." approach that is menu driven as used by the 255.

    2) I would seriously like to have a Plasma cutter....I also don't really want to spend $700-1000 to get one. I can probably get by without one, but it would make things a lot nicer.

    3) I am considering the PP256 as sort of a "trade-off" between the heavy circuitry of a 250 amp machine and not having a plasma cutter versus a machine with a lesser duty cycle (I assume..??) and a 60 amp plasma cutter included.

    So, I guess I would like to know your thoughts on the advisability of that trade-off......As part of the discussion, I already have a ThermalArc DC machine that is quite capable (200 amps..) but without AC aluminum capability. I also have an Oxy/Acetylene setup that I know how to use fairly well and a buzz box that is a few years old. So, if the multi-process machine went down, I would still have some capability although not for aluminum.

    I am particularly interested in knowing what if any improvements or enhancements have been made to the PP256 over the past couple of years. I have read most if not all of the stuff on the forum about the PP256, but I notice most of it goes back to 2010 at least....Does anyone know anything about the features on the current model?? What about reliability?? I continue to read about an updated web presence for Everlast, but I notice most of the product information is still quite old...???? Any information you have is welcome.

    Thanks for the help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Canada, Suttonwest, Ontario


    I have both 250EX and 255EXT the 255 is still my favorite so far just find the setting and save it, then go to it anytime no switches or knobs to adjust just push the memory button till all the little lights light up on the one I see I want i don't try to memorize the number just the settings AC, DC, Pulse or just easy setup. Plasma cutter is separate and always ready to go. I just got the I Mig250 to see if I need a none portable machine and I like it now I have a big collection of Everlast Machines and having a hard time deciding on which one to sell probably the 250EX but I do like it. What ever machine or machines you buy you will like them.

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    Last edited by Kempy; 12-25-2013 at 04:57 PM. Reason: XMAS TODAY
    Everlast PowerTig 325EXT (Canada)
    Everlast Power I Mig 250 (Canada)
    Everlast PowerPlasma 80S (Canada)
    Everlast PowerCool W300 (Canada)
    Everlast PowerMTS 250S Fitted with a 30A Spoolgun(Canada)
    Miller Dynasty 400 wireless(Canada)
    Millermatic 252 plus 30A Spoolgun(Canada)

  3. #3



    I have the 250EX and the 255EXT. Either are a great pick. I like the 250EX since I can see the knobs. Getting used to the 255EXT, start amps get me every time and once it flipped to AC on me before I caught it. I have a PP50 and PP80 plasma, I think the PP50 would please about anyone. I have used the MIG200, 205P and 250P.

    Like Kempy said, you will like whatever you get.

    But unless I was short on space or cash, I would go for better a duty cycle welder and a PP50. The 256 is a lighter duty machine, more hobby or occasional work/fixes. Not knocking it, just biased. And the 250EX is still a GREAT machine for the money.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    Quote Originally Posted by everlastsupport View Post
    The 256 is a lighter duty machine
    The specs show the 256 at 35% duty cycle; the 250EX is a workhorse at 60%. If you're looking at production work, and keeping customers happy, sure seems like more duty cycle would be the way to go.
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by DaveO View Post
    The specs show the 256 at 35% duty cycle; the 250EX is a workhorse at 60%. If you're looking at production work, and keeping customers happy, sure seems like more duty cycle would be the way to go.
    Yes, I expect that you are correct. I hate doing something more than once. I tend to be a little anal about doing things right the first, I take my time with decisions trying to make everything fit within my parameters. It is usually a lost cause...

    I know I "need" a plasma cutter, probably as bad as I "need" the AC/DC machine....hence my indecision. I won't need the cooler because I have an older Miller that can be rebuilt/re-purposed. Still, .....

    Anyway, I would still like to hear from anyone about the 256 as far as improvements or mods in the last couple of years. Seems like everything on here that speaks to fitness of purpose, reliability, usage, etc., etc., is all an older timeframe--a lot of the stuff is several years old. Have there been any important mods done on the 256 recently?? Or is it the same old tired (3-4 y.o.) machine??

    Thanks DaveO, Kempy, Support Guy Mike.....and everyone else too!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    Can't speak to improvements or mods to the PP256. Did your requirements change? Your original post mentioned working on "fairly heavy" aluminum plate. The 250 EX welds to 1/2" aluminum, according to the specs; the 256 welds to about 3/8" and cuts to 3/4". Maybe the 256 would work for you if the plate doesn't exceed 3/8" and the welds per piece are brief. But... with the multi-purpose if for some reason the machine has to return for service, then you've lost both functions. Cool to have a sideline business that bankrolls your interests/hobbies... maybe use proceeds to buy a plasma cutter?
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  7. Default

    Thanks Dave O for reminding me to READ the spec sheet instead of just glancing at it.!!

    I saw the 1/2 inch spec. on the 256 and assumed it was the same as the 250EX.....Well, of course it isn't. The steel side is the same (except for the duty cycle..) but the Al. side says decrease by 30%....which I would have seen if I had READ the specs instead of......well, you know..... So now I am assuming that the AC side of the machine is somehow limited in comparison to the 250EX....could be just the duty cycle causing it I guess.

    And No, my "requirements" haven't really changed. I don't really NEED the extra capability for heavy aluminum, just could use it for certain jobs IF I had it available. Most of the heavier plate in question is 3/8 with some 1/2 inch thrown in. So, it certainly merits consideration. Anyway, I appreciate the "heads-up" on the specs. If not for that I would still be cruising along thinking I knew what I was talking about!!

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