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Thread: Howdy from Arizona!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Chandler, Arizona, USA

    Default Howdy from Arizona!

    Checking in from sunny Chandler, Arizona, USA (just outside Phoenix)...

    Santa was very good to me this year and I finally got a 210EXT! It's been at the top of my list for a couple years, since seeing a pre-production unit on Jody Collier's Welding Tips & Tricks back in 2011.

    When it comes to welding, I'm a complete greenhorn but I've watched a ton of videos over the last 3 years. Now its time for some practical experience – I've got a lot of practice beads to run.

    I'm starting out with TIG, which I imagine is backwards from how most folks get into welding. I've been doing electronics work for decades, so I think the 2-handed action will be very natural. Plus, I expect most of my welding projects will use light-gauge aluminum angle, and TIG seems much better suited than a MIG spool gun.

    Now I'm off to the store for some 7018 rod and scrap steel to play with stick welding, then the local welding supply for an argon cylinder, filler wire, and electrodes. Woo hoo!


  2. #2

    Default wow

    welcome to the forum

    man, you must of been good, for Santa to give you a 210ext
    If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    Welcome to the forums, Richard, and to you too, AKWeldShop!

    Congrats and Merry Christmas with your new machine! Just a heads-up: it may be worth calling around to find out the details of cylinder ownership, rental, etc. Prices vary widely from supplier to supplier.

    Post up some pics when you get a chance!
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Chandler, Arizona, USA


    Thanks! More like, I wore down Mrs. Claus.

    After 3 years of constant welding videos, I think she realized I wasn't going to give up on the idea of learning to weld. That, and the 210EXT was actually the *only* thing on my wishlist for the last 3 Christmases. I was pretty certain that I wanted to start with TIG, and specifically this unit. But I just couldn't bring myself to spend the $$$.

    I take my "hobbies" pretty seriously - I strive to buy good gear, build strong skills, and get the most out of my gear. I keep reminding my wife that it's cheaper than fast cars or fast women. :-D

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Chandler, Arizona, USA


    Thanks, Dave.

    I know what you mean. I didn't mention that I'm of the nerd variety with an OCD streak a mile long, so I've done a bit of homework over the years while waiting to pull the trigger here. (Not to mention getting a mask, gloves, tools, etc. long before getting a welder.)

    I found a local gas bottler that will sell me a 300cf argon cylinder for $245 filled (and $50 refills). When it comes time for a refill, I have the choice of doing an exchange or waiting to have my bottle filled when the time comes. The corporate guys like Praxair and Airgas want up to $400 for the cylinder, plus $120 fill.

    For anyone in the Phoenix area, the best deal is at Allied Gases, on Curry Rd (at the river bottom) just East of Scottsdale Rd. Phoenix Welding, Ramsey Welding, and Vern Lewis also had good prices, but Allied beat them all by $20-75 on the cylinder, and by $20 on refills.


  6. #6


    Richard welcome to the forum and congrats on your gift.
    Lincoln A/C 225
    Everlast P/A 200

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by RichardH View Post
    I found a local gas bottler that will sell me a 300cf argon cylinder for $245 filled (and $50 refills). When it comes time for a refill, I have the choice of doing an exchange or waiting to have my bottle filled when the time comes. The corporate guys like Praxair and Airgas want up to $400 for the cylinder, plus $120 fill.
    Congrats Richard. Both on the 210EXT and on the good deal for 300CF argon cylinder! I pay that much for a 125CF cylinder here but I have 3 of them now (bought flat-out, no rentals). Exchanges are $18 and the filled cylinders are light enough to easily load/unload from the truck without having to tip and roll. I have a background in electronics/communications as well but have been stick and gas welding for a while (hobby type). I recently bought a 250EX and LOVE IT. The 210EXT was my first choice for a while but went with my gut on the 250ex.

    The pedal is where my learning curve steepens but I'm learning quickly. I even find myself pulsing with the pedal now (sometimes unaware when I'm doing it). Now put that OCD and 210 to good use!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Chandler, Arizona, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by tom_tom View Post
    The 210EXT was my first choice for a while but went with my gut on the 250ex.
    I don't remember now why I picked the 210 over the 250 - it's like me to go as heavy-duty as possible, but I seem to recall a couple new features in the 210 broke the tie.

    I think most of my TIG work is going to be smaller, finer work. Photography jigs and the like, so I'll probably never use the limits of the 210's capacity or duty cycle. If I were to take on a larger-scale project like building a trailer, I don't imagine I'd TIG it. But I have much practical experience to gain, so who knows. I hadn't planned on ever buying a stick machine, but I'm very glad the 210 has stick so I can learn it.

    My first "real" project is likely to be a simple welding table, so I have somewhere safe to work besides the concrete floor. Most of my shop is setup for woodworking, and wood benchtops don't get along with welding!

    Slowly pulling it together. I picked up some cutoffs yesterday for practice, along with gas, rods, electrodes, and filler wire. Now I just need to sneak some time in the shop when the kids are otherwise occupied...

    210EXT (2013 USA)

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