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hey guys. have a few questions about the foot peal on my powertig 200 dx-d.i keep reading bad reveiws about them. im fairly new to ti and im not understanding what people are talking about when they write about them. i was welding the other day and i set my machin to 120 amp but when i put the pedal to the floor i swear the machone was reading 80 amps or so. i dont think i was seeing things lol does this make sense? could this be what people were talking about with the problems with this foot pedal?
If so can some body recomend a alternitve foot pedal that would work with the 200 dx-d? would feel alot better if i could get some answers about the situation lol
Yes, you might have one of the complaints where the belt has slipped on the cog for the pot. There have been several designs for the pedal and new ones keep coming, so you might have a different type from what is described in older posts. You can search here for ways to tweak and adjust yours to make it work better. It seems like the QC for them is a bit lacking, and many people have been able to get them to work fine, with a few adjustments.
As far as a replacement, SSC makes a pedal that will work. You can get them through Everlast or direct.
Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!