I have a Speedglass 9002X Welding helmet that works great. However I hate the stock headgear. Uncomfortable and will not hold the helmet up reliably. So I went to the local shop to check out their selection of helmets and headgear. They carry Jackson, Miller, Lincoln, Speedglass and a couple more (pretty large selection I thought). Anyway, told the salesman that I wanted better headgear for my Speedglass.

I really like the look and feel of the Jackson 370 and he told me it would not fit the speedglass, that they had tried. OK, Challenge accepted.

Not much of a challenge really, it went in pretty easy with just a few mods. Only tool I ended up needing was a body reamer I had left over from my R/C Car racing/building days. Drill bits in the right size should work just as well.

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I removed the stock headgear and the holes in the helmet for it were square. I had to make them round for the Jackson 370 headgear to fit.

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Once that was done, I had to make the adjustment tabs work (the stock headgear has a skinny tab sticking up that goes into slots on the heagear, you can adjust it up or down to suit the viewing angle you want.) The Jackson 370 has a round pin sticking out off its adjuster and the stock Jackson helmets have 3 holes to use for adjustment. I needed to make 3 holes on each side of the helmet for them to lock into to work. The Jackson helmets have these 3 holes towards the top of the helmet. This would not work on the Speedglass helmet as there was not enough plastic up top to put the holes in. I flipped the adjusters 180 degress and put the holes on the bottom. I made a paper template to mark the spots to make the holes. Worked like a champ. The new headgear is very comfortable and it works just fine with my Speedglass helmet.

Hope the pics explain stuff a little better than I have.

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Sorry that all the pics are sidewasy, I uploaded them from my phone and they are all the correct orientation on my phone, but rotated 90 degrees to the left once on here. I have not been able to find a way to fix it.
