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Thread: foot pedal 200 dx (driving me insane)

  1. Default foot pedal 200 dx (driving me insane)

    hey guys. still my foot pedal continues to give me problems. the belt seems to always slip off the cog. ill open it up and fix it then after a few pushes of the pedal and the teeth slip out. ive had enough of this poor design. does any one no how to set it so its at zero. dont know exactly what im doing. also any one have any suggestions on how i con modify it so i wont have to fix it any more. ?????

  2. Default

    Just went through this myself on my PP256. It's a poor design and I believe my problems were exacerbated by the cold making the belt less flexible. I think I've got it now, 1/2 my problem was the connector at the machine. Initially I closed-up the female sockets on the wire end some, and it seemed to work for awhile, but later had to spread the pins on the machine so that the plug was hard to insert and that's done it (so far )

  3. #3


    Might want to look into purchasing an SSC pedal or the new style one we have that is giving relatively few problems. One of our customers on here, jimmenkent has done work on his and it works flawlessly for him, just by manually chamfering the edges of either the cog or belt( I can't remember which) and doing a little here or there, and hasn't had any issues since.

  4. #4


    Might want to look into purchasing an SSC pedal or the new style one we have that is giving relatively few problems. One of our customers on here, JimMinKent has done work on his and it works flawlessly for him, just by manually chamfering the edges of either the cog or belt( I can't remember which) and doing a little here or there, and hasn't had any issues since.

  5. Default

    Which would be better, the SSC unit or the new Everlast american made unit? Thanks

  6. Default

    By the way, the pedal I received with my 256s doesn't have a belt, just a geared rod. It's very thick. Would that be the newer model? John

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by jpmitch View Post
    Which would be better, the SSC unit or the new Everlast american made unit? Thanks
    HUh? We never said anything about a new Everlast American made unit. If it's American made its from SSC.
    We have a new pedal, but not US made.

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