I just finished a 4 foot by 4 foot cnc table. It worked well except that the torch tip would touch and drag and last only a very short time then mess up the project.
I bought a proma thc and mounted it to the pp50 ,and it recorded around 54v ach voltage raw volts,so the low volts made the torch lift and stop cut.
I am using sheetcam with mach3 and bob is a tb6560 4 axis.
I read that the raw arc voltage should be 88v at 20amps and about 100v at 50 amps
I was running at 30 amps and the reading on the thc readout was around 54v.
My lead from the pp50 it about 3 to 4 feet long in shielded cable. would this length cause that big voltage drop....(proma instructions said to keep this lead short)
This has been a fun learning project to purchase parts on ebay from all over the world, build and wire the machine .learn 3 software programs,etc.
I am 59 and trying something new for a little hobby.
I hope that this thc problem will be the end of my challenges for a while.
I don't mind a few challenges but it will be fun to do a few projects now.
thanks for any help