Ok let me tell you this I use a modified post processor so the Mach knows to look for the THC. If I want to do a dry run (no torch on) I leave the green THC light out and the table will drive around and go through all the moving about the metal just does not light the torch. I do this to insure I am not going off the edge somewhere. I make sure my G-code has a return to the starting position at the end of cutting. G0Y0.0X0.0 as the next to last line you can edit the g-code in Mach after you load it just save and exit the edit after you add this line. If you have the green light on and try this it will move to the first cut location find the metal surface then go to pierce height and try to cut the THC does not send arc ok and mach stops there.
In sheet cam under options select machine and then edit post processor I did this to Mach 3 plasma and scrolled down to (function OnPenDown() and clear out whats in there and copy and paste this in its place. Then rename it like mach 3 plasma (your name) and save and use this for the post processor to make the g-code.
function OnPenDown()
if (preheat > 0.001) then
post.ModalText (" G00")
post.ModalNumber (" Z", cutHeight * scale, "0.0000")
post.Text ("\n G04 P")
post.Number (preheat,"0.###")
post.ModalText (" G00")
post.ModalText ("\n G90F30\n")
post.ModalText (" G28.1 Z0.50\n")
post.ModalText (" G92 Z0\n")
post.ModalText (" G0 z0.25\n")
post.Text (" Z")
post.Number (pierceHeight * scale, "0.0000")
post.Text ("\n M03\n")
if (pierceDelay > 0.001) then
post.Text (" G04 P")
post.Number (pierceDelay,"0.###")
This will make Mach 3 do the touch the metal surface for each new cut location
Everlast PM256
Millermatic 180
Hypertherm PowerMax 65 with machine torch
Longevity Force Cut 80I
DIY CNC table for plasma/routing
13" metal lathe
Small Mill
ect, ect.