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Thread: powerarc 300 good or okay

  1. Default

    I guessin' this is a guy without any kind of Ventilation in his welding shop...

  2. #22


    Well, the reason I said I was a Dedicated Everlast owner and user is because I have the PowerArc 160STH, And Its not the best tig machine, it seems to be off some.
    Are you saying Everlast products can compare to Miller and Lincoln?
    if so, I must of underestimated you guys, I just am not as Impressed with My 160STH as I used to be, Mainly cause it for some reason seems to have lost some of its punch.
    I'm sorry I mouthed off about green stars and stripes.
    I work around guys that badmouth chinese welders, and are telling me never to get involved with them.
    I have been a know-it-all in the past, and a high-brow snob in the past.
    I realize the error in my ways, I soon realized that the signature of some guy i saw says, "the more you learn, the more you know, how little you know.
    Sorry I voiced my opinion so loud, I've worked around these kind of guys for years and picked up a bad habit or six.
    My opoligies,

    If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done

  3. #23


    If it's off then we can work on helping you. It's a light unit, not made for heavy duty welding. All companies have their entry level product, and that is basically what the 160sth is. No frills, lighter duty cycle. I don't know how it could be "off" as you give no explanation. As far as loosing its punch, again, you haven't described what's going on. It simply could be a foot pedal out of whack and need adjusting or the HF gap needing cleaning/repositioning for better starts. Again with a blanket statement, you've not given us much to go on. I'd be willing to bet those" high class" machines that your work buddies talk good about you probably won't get a direct response like this from any of the guys in the HQ in any personal way.

    Let me guess the guys you work with largely have no secondary education, little manners, some with criminal records, excessive boozers and /or suspected drug use and generally an all around rough and prejudiced crowd?

  4. #24


    Maybe its just me, But the stick welding arc is pretty weak.
    Not like it used to be, I wonder if I should try some different rods on it and see if it still acts up.
    On the tig welding the HF, You haft to almost touch the tip maybe 1/8 away and the HF arc will jump the gap, but nothing like my old square wave, it would jump at least 3/4.
    And the tig arc will snap and almost gouge and spray when you start, but it smooths out after 1/2 a second.

    If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done

  5. #25


    What is weak? On 240? Which rod? What size?

    Different units start differently, but IF you are holding more than an 1/8" arc gap it is way too long. You should NOT be welding more than an 1/8" off either. I don't know why needing 3/4" arc gap would be a good thing. Cleaning and adjusting your points can make a big difference in the performance of the HF. Inverters carefully control the input amps...if the arc gets too long, it will shut down the inverter to prevent over current...
    As far as the TIG arc I am not following? What do you mean by gouge and spray and snap? There are several things that can start issues....including, but not limited to gas flow issues with too much or too little, drafts etc. If you are seeing an arc flare, there may be a slight foot pedal problem but can be resolved if that is the problem.
    Last edited by performance; 02-18-2014 at 03:41 AM.

  6. #26


    Well the arc makes a snapping sound when it starts up, but it smooths right out.
    stick welding with 1/8 7018, the arc is really weak, rods stick all the time, and you haft to turn it up to at least 135 amps, and welding vertical, you cant weld below 120 amps or the rods cuts out.
    It used to be a good stick welder, with 7018, and I have used it heavy, Maybe the bushings are just getting some play in them.
    It runs a 6011 really nice, just not the smoothest with 7018
    If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done

  7. #27


    120 amps is the minimum on the books to run 7018 by almost any manufacturer or somewhere close to that for 1/8" rod. In fact it's usually somewhere between 120-175 amps.

    The TIG arc making a snapping sound is the sound of the HF.

  8. #28


    I guess I don't have much ground to pick a fight with.
    My 160 has its good points, I've used in on 110v 100' extension cords (heavy ones) running 1/8 6011 day after day welding on trailers, I guess I worked it pretty hard.
    I am sorry I got up in arms about this whole deal.
    I will try to make comments based on informed information based on solid information in the future.

  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by AKweldshop View Post
    I guess I don't have much ground to pick a fight with.
    My 160 has its good points, I've used in on 110v 100' extension cords (heavy ones) running 1/8 6011 day after day welding on trailers, I guess I worked it pretty hard.
    I am sorry I got up in arms about this whole deal.
    I will try to make comments based on informed information based on solid information in the future.
    Like Mark said, it is light duty. I had one for some time, sold it to a friend. For the price it is a nice machine. If you compare apples to apples, try our 250EX or EXT machine, then you will see they are basically and good or better than the other brands.

    We used only Everlast now and the units are fired up almost everyday. We have a great product, I think you just went a little light on the unit. Also, I never run on 110VAC, maybe switch to 220 and see the power come back.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  10. #30


    I've abused it heavy.
    Stick welding on 110, and 220, on a generator, car battery, and on 12v lighter plug. Maybe a little hard on it.
    Anyway I think I got my value out of it, but it has low resale value
    Anyway, I think I'll try and buy the best equipment I can buy, whatever that may be.
    If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done

  11. #31


    =config]11790[/attach]Click image for larger version. 

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    Okay guys ignore the compressor, but click on the pics of the welds, and take a look at them, and tell me what you think. 135 amps, 3/32 2%thor tungsten, 3/32 309 tig rod, AND A EVERLAST POWERARC160STH!!!!!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by AKweldshop; 02-19-2014 at 03:46 AM.
    If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done

  12. #32


    First looks a little over reinforced and slow. The vertical one looks spot on. It looks like you are dealing with 3/16" angle or 1/4" angle, not for sure. Definitely wider than 1/8". But even if it were one 1/8", it would, by the rule of thumb, require about 125 amps for adequate the welder seems to be operating right in this picture.

    As far as resale value, ????????? Resale value as a percent of original purchase is typically much higher than a Miller or Lincoln.

    What people think of as low resale value, is a total dollar amount, and that's not an adequate way of looking at it. IF you pay 450 dollars for a unit, and a year later you sell it for 350.00, you've lost a 100.00 and a little over 20% of it's value. However if you buy an equivalent miller maxstar for 1700.00 and a year later sell it for 1100.00 (which is not an uncommon scenario), yeah sure the resale value is higher, but you've lost 600.00 and 35% of its value. For the difference you could have bought an additional powerarc and saved a couple hundred more to boot.

  13. #33


    What I was saying with the pics, is the machine is tigging beautifely, it was'nt welding near this good before.
    Now its working great, I had it plugged into a weird outlet, it was screwing up machines, So I plugged it into a different outlet and Its welding perfect, Tomorrow I will get you some stick welding pictures.
    I was chewing up the wrong guys.
    If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done

  14. #34
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Canada, Suttonwest, Ontario


    Some times it is the simplest things that cause the most problems. Nice to see you found the problem.
    Everlast PowerTig 325EXT (Canada)
    Everlast Power I Mig 250 (Canada)
    Everlast PowerPlasma 80S (Canada)
    Everlast PowerCool W300 (Canada)
    Everlast PowerMTS 250S Fitted with a 30A Spoolgun(Canada)
    Miller Dynasty 400 wireless(Canada)
    Millermatic 252 plus 30A Spoolgun(Canada)

  15. #35


    Click image for larger version. 

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    1/8 7018 on 1/2 inch steel 127amps 7 passes
    If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done

  16. #36


    the problem was the power was 208 1ph. not enough clean power. it was an old plum that had a twist lock plug on it, and we switched it to a 6-50r, I was having some trouble with it on other machines.
    I took it to another outlet that had been tested 230volt and its running much better.
    If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done

  17. #37

    Default Friends....

    Well I sold the 160 on CL for $480.00 but I kept the cart and the 7018.
    Not bad eh?
    I think I will buy the 50amp plasma though. talked to friend who has one and he loves it.
    Thank you all for putting up with me
    I will get the plasma cutter and let you know how I like it.
    Keep up the good work.
    If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done

  18. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by AKweldshop View Post
    Well I sold the 160 on CL for $480.00 but I kept the cart and the 7018.
    Not bad eh?
    I think I will buy the 50amp plasma though. talked to friend who has one and he loves it.
    Thank you all for putting up with me
    I will get the plasma cutter and let you know how I like it.
    Keep up the good work.
    John, it sounds as if you are young and impulsive. First the machine is fine, then bad, then really good, then it's sold. It doesn't make a lot of sense...either that or you aren't giving us the full information on the product. The thread was about a PA 300, but then you say you will buy the PowerPlasma 50. What happened to the idea of the 300? You don't need it now or is that a passing fancy?

  19. Default

    young, teens probably, and...ubiquitous, at least on welding message boards.

  20. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by fdcmiami View Post
    young, teens probably, and...ubiquitous, at least on welding message boards.
    Yes,, you could say ubiquitous,,,or omnipresent or everywhere,,,,but ubquitous has a certain classy effect,,,similiar to drinking Tea from a cup with your little finger entending up in the air....the sign of a
    Some of those lies people tell about me, are true

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