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Thread: Need some help deciding

  1. Default Need some help deciding

    I'm new to welding and have a nice mig welder but I want to learn how to tig weld. I'm looking at a few different models but can't decide on what to get. I'd really like to have AC/DC capability but it seems to get pricey when you add AC and features. I'd also like to have 110/220 capability because if you're going to have a portable machine what's the point if it's 220 only. Anyway here's what I have it narrowed down to.

    185: Has AC/DC features but it's a totally stripped down model. Are the features of a more expensive unit really needed or is this good enough? How is the tig portion compared to the others?

    200t: DC only. Not many reviews on this unit but everyone at Everlast says it's a nice unit. Loaded with features but once again it's DC only.

    200DX-D: Seems to have everything I want but it's not in stock until the end of the month. I'm really not into waiting because if the shipment gets delayed then I'm just waiting longer. If it was in stock and the price was right I would have probably already ordered it.

    Are there any other models someone would suggest? The units with the built in plasma cutters look good too but I think a stand alone machine would be better. Any feedback would be appreciated.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by mliebs View Post
    I'm new to welding and have a nice mig welder but I want to learn how to tig weld. I'm looking at a few different models but can't decide on what to get. I'd really like to have AC/DC capability but it seems to get pricey when you add AC and features. I'd also like to have 110/220 capability because if you're going to have a portable machine what's the point if it's 220 only. Anyway here's what I have it narrowed down to.

    185: Has AC/DC features but it's a totally stripped down model. Are the features of a more expensive unit really needed or is this good enough? How is the tig portion compared to the others?

    200t: DC only. Not many reviews on this unit but everyone at Everlast says it's a nice unit. Loaded with features but once again it's DC only.

    200DX-D: Seems to have everything I want but it's not in stock until the end of the month. I'm really not into waiting because if the shipment gets delayed then I'm just waiting longer. If it was in stock and the price was right I would have probably already ordered it.

    Are there any other models someone would suggest? The units with the built in plasma cutters look good too but I think a stand alone machine would be better. Any feedback would be appreciated.
    I use my welders with a generator when I want to be mobile. By the time you load the welder and the tank, what's one more thing. Also I never weld with 110 myself and I am mobile/portable.

    The 200T would be out if you want aluminum capabilities.

    I like standalone units as well.

    The 210EXT is nice, and small as well. Will run on 30 amps (small generator).
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  3. Default

    The 210ext is way out of my price range.

  4. #4


    If you're going to invest in a TIG machine then I recommend you buy something that you won't outgrow and possibly regret within a few months. I personally like the features that the 250EX offers but some may be perplexed by all the knobs. I love the fact that I can reach over and simply turn a knob to make fine adjustments as I go. The 210EXT was a very, very close 2nd choice but the robustness factor of the 250EX tipped the balance. I gave up 110V capability but don't miss it yet and probably never will.

    Don't be in too much of a hurry. Save up for your dream machine as well as consumables and accessories. I waited ~3 years and bounced all over the place during that time. I'm glad I didn't pull the trigger too soon and got a machine that I'm happy to own, learn with, and I know will see lots of use.

    Good luck,


  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by mliebs View Post
    The 210ext is way out of my price range.
    You mentioned portable, I did not see a price range?

    I was going to mentioned the 250EX but it's not that portable. But that would be a great choice if in your price range. Also it is a long running proven unit.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  6. Default

    I should have listed a price range but since I'm new to all of this I really want to keep the price down. If I really like (and use) tig welding then I wouldn't have a problem spending more money in a few years. I'd like to stay between $700-$1000, maybe $1100 max. I would like something portable but at this point price will probably dictate what I end up with.

  7. #7


    The 250ex is portable at 70 lbs or so...but not as much as a smaller PowerTIG 185... and much more so than the transformer equivalents you find in other brands. I think you'll find that most of the features offered except pulse won't be a factor for you if you plan on using the foot pedal exclusively. Even pulse isn't a necessity. The 185 is a good unit for your price range. I'd say you ought to look into how MUCH of exactly WHAT you plan on doing to make your decision. I too would recommend the 200T if aluminum isn't a priority concern...even if it is, it is a outstanding unit at an outstanding price.

    Stay tuned though for the announcement of the PowerARC 280STH that will be announced, (coming later today), when I get a chance to make it....All digital, DC stick, 6010 ability with plenty of DC capability and function.
    Last edited by performance; 01-12-2014 at 05:03 PM.

  8. Default

    Now the suspense is killing me. I'm really leaning toward the 185 for the AC. I think not being able to weld aluminum would be a big drawback for me. How do you think the 200DX stacks up to the rest of these?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    I have not used one, but concensus on this board is that the 200DX is a killer machine, and now there is a dual voltage version. One member, Winky, kisses his 200DX in one of his videos. I'd definitely get AC- I think you'd regret not being able to weld aluminum.
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Chandler, Arizona, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by mliebs View Post
    Now the suspense is killing me. I'm really leaning toward the 185 for the AC. I think not being able to weld aluminum would be a big drawback for me. How do you think the 200DX stacks up to the rest of these?
    While I'm not qualified to give good advice yet, I decided to jump into TIG with the 210 EXT after seeing some of its features demonstrated on, particularly for AC since I expect most of my work will be on aluminum. It was a big leap, but the price is not as far out of your range as you think - call Oleg and see what kind of deal he will cut you.

    That said... getting setup with argon, electrodes, filler wire, spare torch parts, etc. does add up, so don't forget to budget them. And the prices on all of these vary hugely, so shop around.

    As for me, I'm fully stocked on consumables, and the suspense is killing me waiting for delivery, which is a few weeks out.

    210EXT (2013 USA)

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