Has anyone done a comparison on tungston quality? I can get very cheap tungston from weldingcity.com in 2% Blue (what I am liking so far). However I am wondering if it's good quality. Do the name brands have a better or more pure tungston. Any opinions on this. I am having some arc wandering issues and I am thinking it may be my sharpening method. So I am about to try another way. If this does not work I am going to try a different brand of tungston. Any recomendations?

My method to sharpen is using a 4" angle grinder and a 180 grit diamond grinding wheel (came from harbor freight and is a replacment blade for their circular saw sharpener). Anyway, I chuck the tungston in my cordless drill and spin it and slowly apply it to the side of the disk. I apply it so the disk is grinding lenghtwise so the grinding marks or grooves are supposed to go lenghtwise on the tungston. I am now wondering if the drill spinning is causing the grind marks to be all crazy as the tungsten is spinning one way and the wheel is spinning the other. I also have the wheel spinning so the grind is towards the tip. I see most the videos on grinding show grinding towards the tip. So I am going to try that and instead of using the drill, just hand spinning to try and keep the grooves lengthwise to the tungston.

I also ordered an 800 grit diamond wheel off Amazon to see if a much finer finish will work out better.

I had a 3/32" tungston in last night with a number 8 cup. Tip sharpened to a nice point, but when I struck the arc, it was almost like a blow torch from the cup and melted out a spot almost as big as a dime in just a couple of seconds. I have the argon set at 10 liters per minute with about 1/4" stick out.

Any suggestions or ideas I have not thought of.
